Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-ProfileSwitcher, A Profile/User/Layout Switching Module
Is it possible to include a BT detection to switch profiles? RPi3 has a build BT which is not used (at least in my configuration) by the MagicMirror. It would be great if personal stuff like the calender could be switched depending on the BT device (Smartphone, Smartwatch, Fitnesstracker, …) which is near by.
I was searching for identification via BT on the RPi and this is what I have found so far:
“…present/absent can be done with very little power consumption on rPi and iPhone. Install bluetooth dongle on rPi as: (sudo aptitude install bluetooth bluez-utils bluez-compat). Figure out mac of your phone device by making it searchable and then do (hcitool scan) on rPi. Then connect to your device (make sure its searchable) as: sudo bluez-simple-agent hci0 mac_of_your_device and say yes on both sides. Then sudo bluez-test-device trusted mac_of_your_device. Now they both “know” each other. Then do sudo hcitool name mac_of_your_device in your favourite script to figure out if the iphone is nearby. This will not create a connection - but just say hi to it. If it returns a name, phone is nearby. If it returns nothing - phone is not nearby or bluetooth is switched off. Compared to creating connections or other distance computation methods out there - this method conserves battery on both sides and keeps airwave pollution to a minimum.” (found here)
and this would be even better with distance sensing: -
@cyberdyne I had the same idea two days ago and did some research on it. I also asked /r/smartmirrors for some advice on it and got pretty good tips. The bottom line is, if you want to have a solid, non hacky solution supporting both iOS/android go the other way round with the use of beacons.
Thread is here
having issue showing MMM-Profilepicture using MMM-ModuleScheduler and MMM-ProfileSwitcher.
I’m trying to switch a day and night time image with profilepicture. Using modulescheduler to switch the image based on the time.
As far as I can tell, each module is running correctly, as I’m not seeing any error in the console log.
i think the issue has to do with LockStrings, and i don’t know how to fix it
Will not show MMM-Profilepicture. LockStrings active: module_2_MMM-ProfileSwitcher
my configs
//////////////////// profile /////////////////////////// //////////////////// profile /////////////////////////// { module: 'MMM-ProfileSwitcher', disabled: false, classes: 'default everyone', config: { // See 'Configuration options' for more information. defaultClass: 'default', everyoneClass: 'everyone', } }, { module: 'MMM-ModuleScheduler', disabled: false, classes: 'default everyone', config: { notification_schedule: [ // SWITCH TO THE DAY PROFILE AT 07:30 EVERY DAY {notification: 'CURRENT_PROFILE', schedule: '30 7 * * *', payload: 'day'}, // SWITCH TO THE NIGHT PROFILE AT 23:30 EVERY DAY {notification: 'CURRENT_PROFILE', schedule: '30 18 * * *', payload: 'night'}, ] } }, { module: "MMM-Profilepicture", position: "fullscreen_below", classes: "day", disabled: false, config: { url: "", opacity: 1, maxWidth: "120%", maxHeight: "120%", } }, { module: "MMM-Profilepicture", position: "fullscreen_below", classes: "night", disabled: false, config: { url: "", opacity: 1, maxWidth: "140%", maxHeight: "140%", } }, ////////////////end profile //////////////////////////
@3squaremirror don’t know, but please don’t double post.
members with reputation below 2 have every post reviewed.
this stops the unrelated spam we get every day (6 this morning).
@3squaremirror yes. profileswitcher says it’s in charge of hiding and showing modules (via lockstring)
so. can u force profile switcher to switch to that users profile?
@sdetweil my apology about the double posting, it’s noted. i am not clear on how to force profile switcher to switch. can you elaborate that?
@3squaremirror sorry, no idea. was just a thought. know nothing about the module
Do you use any other modules which may hide/show modules?
If i copy your configuration to my test environment and add some notifications (change day/night every minute) everything works as expected. -
@wishmaster270 i also use the Touch and Pages module.
I think the problem is the pages module. It uses lockstrings as well and may block the module of being shown.
Tried combining pages and profiles a view years ago and had very similar problems.But you can ralize all you can do with MMM-pages and MMM-page-indicator with MMM-ProfileSwitcher and MMM-ProfileControl. So there is no need to mix Pages and Profiles.