Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Version 2.30.0 Calendar fix for clipping broadcast events
after installing Jan 1 2025 MM version, events broadcast to MMM-CalendarExt3 are clipped incorrectly
apply this fix (til next release)
cd ~/MagicMirror git fetch origin pull/3679/head:_fix_clipping git switch _fix_clipping npm run install-mm # if you get an error error, rm package-lock.json # and repeat the git switch restart MM
this fix has been accepted and added to the next release
you can use that package instead
to get the develop branch
#NOTE: using develop requires a newnpm run install-mm
absolutely my fault… BUT
this release has been stable and in test since October… but clearly not enough tested it. -
@sdetweil not sure what happened, but I added events to the calendars that weren’t showing up to try and troubleshoot, and now they’re all populated properly… Thanks for all your help with this. Now it’s on to fixing the weather widget.
@sdetweil maybe hotfix needed ?
@bugsounet lets get thru this first… (this IS a hotfix)
only have one feedback so far -
@sdetweil ok,… If you think that is an hot fix, not me :/
I just wish users good luck for the next update.
why ?
just because they lostmaster
branchbugsounet@PC-Bugsounet:~/MagicMirror$ git branch * _fix_clipping develop master
so they NEVER have MM v2.31.0,
git pull
will not works (detached head) :/That’s why … maybe hotfix needed (v2.30.1)
@bugsounet my script puts it back on the master before the fetch…
easy man…
lets work thru the issue first…
confirm it works
and then work on how to deploy itits not fatal…
only been a few hours…
hotfix - provide a way repeatable for customer to get around the problem
Hello, I am new to this. I am not getting my Google calendar to populate in this Module. It is populating in the default calendar.
I have tried the above but when I try the switch, terminal gives an error. Your local changes to the files would be overwritten by checkout. Package-lock.json
Please commit your changes or stash them before you switch branches. Sorry for the newb inquiry. -
@djkleric erase
rm package-lock.sjon -
@sdetweil I have tried to apply your fix as mentioned however i am still not getting events to populate in the MMM-CalendarExt3 module.
I have also uninstalled and reinstalled the module entirely hoping that would help. Below is my config file and the launch window if that is of any assistance.
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.mdwebb@raspberrypi:~/MagicMirror $ npm start > magicmirror@2.30.0 start > npm run start:x11 > magicmirror@2.30.0 start:x11 > DISPLAY="${DISPLAY:=:0}" ./node_modules/.bin/electron js/electron.js [2025-01-07 22:00:29.574] [LOG] Starting MagicMirror: v2.30.0 [2025-01-07 22:00:29.602] [LOG] Loading config ... [2025-01-07 22:00:29.604] [LOG] config template file not exists, no envsubst [2025-01-07 22:00:30.136] [INFO] Checking config file /home/mdwebb/MagicMirror/config/config.js ... [2025-01-07 22:00:30.241] [INFO] Your configuration file doesn't contain syntax errors :) [2025-01-07 22:00:30.242] [INFO] Checking modules structure configuration ... [2025-01-07 22:00:30.369] [ERROR] This module configuration contains errors: {}must have required property 'module' [2025-01-07 22:00:30.372] [WARN] No module name found for this configuration: {} [2025-01-07 22:00:30.373] [WARN] No module name found for this configuration: {} [2025-01-07 22:00:30.374] [WARN] No module name found for this configuration: {} [2025-01-07 22:00:30.374] [WARN] No module name found for this configuration: {} [2025-01-07 22:00:30.375] [LOG] Loading module helpers ... [2025-01-07 22:00:30.382] [LOG] Initializing new module helper ... [2025-01-07 22:00:30.383] [LOG] Module helper loaded: updatenotification [2025-01-07 22:00:30.384] [LOG] No helper found for module: clock. [2025-01-07 22:00:30.519] [LOG] Initializing new module helper ... [2025-01-07 22:00:30.520] [LOG] Module helper loaded: calendar [2025-01-07 22:00:30.521] [LOG] No helper found for module: MMM-CalendarExt3. [2025-01-07 22:00:30.728] [LOG] Initializing new module helper ... [2025-01-07 22:00:30.729] [LOG] Module helper loaded: MMM-ImagesPhotos [2025-01-07 22:00:30.745] [LOG] Initializing new module helper ... [2025-01-07 22:00:30.745] [LOG] Module helper loaded: MMM-OpenWeatherMapForecast [2025-01-07 22:00:30.746] [LOG] All module helpers loaded. [2025-01-07 22:00:30.755] [LOG] Starting server on port 8080 ... [2025-01-07 22:00:31.931] [LOG] Server started ... [2025-01-07 22:00:31.933] [LOG] Connecting socket for: updatenotification [2025-01-07 22:00:31.935] [LOG] Starting module helper: updatenotification [2025-01-07 22:00:31.936] [LOG] Connecting socket for: calendar [2025-01-07 22:00:31.937] [LOG] Starting node helper for: calendar [2025-01-07 22:00:31.938] [LOG] Connecting socket for: MMM-ImagesPhotos [2025-01-07 22:00:31.939] [LOG] Starting node helper for: MMM-ImagesPhotos [2025-01-07 22:00:31.940] [LOG] Connecting socket for: MMM-OpenWeatherMapForecast [2025-01-07 22:00:31.941] [LOG] Starting node_helper for MMM-OpenWeatherMapForecast [2025-01-07 22:00:31.942] [LOG] Sockets connected & modules started ... [2025-01-07 22:00:32.295] [LOG] Launching application. [2025-01-07 22:00:33.385] [INFO] System information: ### SYSTEM: manufacturer: ; model: ; virtual: false ### OS: platform: linux; distro: Debian GNU/Linux; release: 12; arch: arm64; kernel: 6.6.51+rpt-rpi-v8 ### VERSIONS: electron: 32.2.7; used node: 20.18.1; installed node: 20.18.1; npm: 10.8.2; pm2: 5.4.3 ### OTHER: timeZone: Australia/Melbourne; ELECTRON_ENABLE_GPU: undefined [27507:0107/] Failed to get fd for plane.: No such file or directory (2) [27507:0107/] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No such file or directory (2) [27507:0107/] Failed to get fd for plane.: No such file or directory (2) [27507:0107/] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No such file or directory (2) [27507:0107/] Failed to get fd for plane.: No such file or directory (2) [27507:0107/] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No such file or directory (2) [27507:0107/] Failed to get fd for plane.: No such file or directory (2) [27507:0107/] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No such file or directory (2) [27507:0107/] Failed to get fd for plane.: No such file or directory (2) [27507:0107/] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No such file or directory (2) [27507:0107/] Failed to get fd for plane.: No such file or directory (2) [27507:0107/] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No such file or directory (2) [27507:0107/] Failed to get fd for plane.: No such file or directory (2) [27507:0107/] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No such file or directory (2) [27507:0107/] Failed to get fd for plane.: No such file or directory (2) [27507:0107/] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No such file or directory (2) [27507:0107/] Failed to get fd for plane.: No such file or directory (2) [27507:0107/] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No such file or directory (2) [27507:0107/] Failed to get fd for plane.: No such file or directory (2) [27507:0107/] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No such file or directory (2) [27507:0107/] Failed to get fd for plane.: No such file or directory (2) [27507:0107/] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No such file or directory (2) [27507:0107/] Failed to get fd for plane.: No such file or directory (2) [27507:0107/] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No such file or directory (2) [27507:0107/] Failed to get fd for plane.: No such file or directory (2) [27507:0107/] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No such file or directory (2) [27507:0107/] Failed to get fd for plane.: No such file or directory (2) [27507:0107/] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No such file or directory (2) [2025-01-07 22:00:34.946] [LOG] Create new calendarfetcher for url: - Interval: 3600000 [2025-01-07 22:00:35.004] [LOG] Config based debug=module_4_MMM-ImagesPhotos [2025-01-07 22:00:35.017] [INFO] updatenotification: Updater Class Loaded! [2025-01-07 22:00:35.018] [INFO] updatenotification: Checking PM2 using... [2025-01-07 22:00:35.019] [INFO] updatenotification: [PM2] You are not using pm2 [2025-01-07 22:00:35.020] [INFO] Checking git for module: MMM-CalendarExt3 [2025-01-07 22:00:35.061] [INFO] Checking git for module: MMM-ImagesPhotos [2025-01-07 22:00:35.094] [INFO] Checking git for module: MMM-OpenWeatherMapForecast [2025-01-07 22:00:35.121] [INFO] Checking git for module: MagicMirror [2025-01-07 22:00:41.687] [INFO] Calendar-Fetcher: Broadcasting 948 events from [2025-01-07 22:00:45.074] [LOG] Shutting down server... [2025-01-07 22:00:45.075] [LOG] Stopping module helper: updatenotification [2025-01-07 22:00:45.076] [LOG] Stopping module helper: calendar [2025-01-07 22:00:45.076] [LOG] Stopping module helper: MMM-ImagesPhotos [2025-01-07 22:00:45.076] [LOG] Stopping module helper: MMM-OpenWeatherMapForecast [2025-01-07 22:00:45.077] [LOG] Node_helpers stopped ...
*/}, { module: "calendar", position: "top_left", config: { broadcastPastEvents: true, // <= IMPORTANT to see past events calendars: [ { url: "", name: "us_holiday", // <= RECOMMENDED to assign name color: "red", // <= RECOMMENDED to assign color defaultSymbolClassName: "", } ] } }, { module: "MMM-CalendarExt3", position: "bottom_bar", title: "", config: { mode: "week", instanceId: "basicCalendar", locale: 'en-US', maxEventLines: 6, firstDayOfWeek: 0, calendarSet: [], weekIndex: 0, weeksInView: 4, eventHeight: '15px', useMarquee: true, eventTransformer: (ev)=> { if ('DINNER') > -1) ev.symbol = ['fluent-color:food-28'] if ('Arnold') > -1) ev.symbol = ['fluent-emoji-flat:dog'] if ('Gus') > -1) ev.symbol = ['fluent-emoji-flat:dog'] if ('Dogs') > -1) ev.symbol = ['fluent-emoji-flat:dog'] if ('dogs') > -1) ev.symbol = ['fluent-emoji-flat:dog'] if ('Marcus') > -1) ev.symbol = ['noto:pretzel'] if ('Pretzel') > -1) ev.symbol = ['noto:pretzel'] if ('Recycle Bin') > -1) ev.symbol = ['game-icons:soda-bottle'] if ('Green Waste bins') > -1) ev.symbol = ['streamline-emojis:leaf-fluttering-in-wind'] if ('Cleaning Day') > -1) ev.symbol = ['openmoji:broom'] if ('Swimming') > -1) ev.symbol = ['fxemoji:swimming'] if ('Phils') > -1) ev.symbol = ['twemoji:baby-angel-light-skin-tone'] if ('Phyllis') > -1) ev.symbol = ['twemoji:baby-angel-light-skin-tone'] if ('Birthday') > -1) ev.symbol = ['emojione:birthday-cake'] if ('birthday') > -1) ev.symbol = ['emojione:birthday-cake'] if ('Hugo') > -1) ev.symbol = ['cryptocurrency-color:hight'] if ('Maggie') > -1) ev.symbol = ['cryptocurrency-color:xmy'] if ('Lucas') > -1) ev.symbol = ['openmoji:man-judge-light-skin-tone'] if ('Hudge') > -1) ev.symbol = ['twemoji:gemini'] if ('Danielle') > -1) ev.symbol = ['twemoji:gemini'] return ev }, } }, {/* module: "weather", position: "top_right", config: { weatherProvider: "openmeteo", type: "current", lat: 40.776676, lon: -73.971321 } }, { module: "weather", position: "top_right", header: "Weather Forecast", config: { weatherProvider: "openmeteo", type: "forecast", lat: 40.776676, lon: -73.971321 */}, { module: "MMM-ImagesPhotos", position: "top_center", config: { opacity: 0.9, animationSpeed: 1000, updateInterval: 5000, maxHeight: "500px", maxWidth:"500px", sequential: false // process the image list randomly } }, { module: "MMM-OpenWeatherMapForecast", header: "Weather", position: "top_right", classes: "default everyone", config: { apikey: "cfb4187b9743b212915c5438d685f778", latitude: "-38.314560", longitude: "146.419373", iconset: "4c", concise: false, forecastLayout: "table", showDailyForecast: true, maxDailiesToShow: 5, showHourlyForecast: false, showWind: false } }, {/* module: "newsfeed", position: "bottom_bar", config: { feeds: [ { title: "New York Times", url: "" } ], showSourceTitle: true, showPublishDate: true, broadcastNewsFeeds: true, broadcastNewsUpdates: true } */}, ] };
two things
if you comment out a module in config. js with block comment markrrs /* */ then must get the opening and closing braces too
a better way is just to add
disabled: true,
after the module:… line
chsnge back to false to re-enable the modulesecond
can you show me the output of
cd ~/MagicMirror git branch
@sdetweil thanks for the repy, i will make the changes to the commenting out the modules using your advice. output for git branch below
mdwebb@raspberrypi:~ $ cd ~/MagicMirror git branch _fix_clipping develop * master