Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-NOAA - Another Weather Module
First of all, Thank you for this great module.After the latest MM update, this module stopped working correctly for him. Does someone know how i can fix this problem.
Here is my config;
{ disabled: false, module: 'MMM-NOAA', position: 'top_right', config: { apiKey: "83c61585aabeb89c", // select the middle plan... useAir: true, // set to false if you do not want to use Air Quality Index airKey: "x7hcisbyAjENpBy4f", // IF you want Air Quality Index pws: "IKIVIKKO4", // go here to find your pws: showClock: true, // Hides or shows clock dformat: false, // for M/D/YYYY format, false for D/M/YYYY format: "24", // 12 or 24 hour format.. will default to 12 hour if none selected. ampm: true, // to show AM and PM on Sunrise/Sunset time showGreet: false, // deafult is false - to show greeting under clock and above date name: "Moe", // Your name showWind: false, showDate: false, showForecast: true, //show bottom 3 day forecast flash: true, //Today in forecast flashes halo showUV: true, //show UV index showBar: true, // show Barometer showHum: true, //show Humidity level position: 'top_right', //whatever you have in above position must also be here alert: true, //show weather alerts default is true days: "3" //default in config is 3 can be either "3" or "10" for forecast } },
@gashion Hi, looks like u are using the v2 so u need to change ur config. U need only a few lines now:
and rename pws to pws1
Please remove the rest -
Hi, thanks for ur reply.I tried what u said and still the same. Nothing changed.
New config settings:
{ disabled: false, module: 'MMM-NOAA', position: 'top_right', config: { apiKey: "83c61585aabeb89c", // select the middle plan... airKey: "x7hcisbyAjENpBy4f", // IF you want Air Quality Index pws: "IKIVIKKO4", // go here to find your pws: } },
@gashion Good but u forgot one thing Rename pws to pws1!!!
First of all, thanks for your work.
I did have the same issue that @gashion had. I read your comment, it fix it !
But… to be honnest I really prefer the v1 look and feel. So is there a way to revert change and stay back in the v1 version ? -
How stupid of me. I replaced it and it works now. Thank you! :) -
I had the same issue. The change to config.js did fix it but now the temp is showing in Celsius. My locals are:
language: "en", timeFormat: 24, units: "imperial",
any idea?
@stevegoble hi, this units option does only work for the default weather module. In NOAA its the value of the time format so 24 hours is european so Celsius, 12 hours is USA so Fahrenheit. Where are u living?
Thank you for the quick response. I am in Atlanta, GA USA. I prefer 24 hour clock so…sigh. -
@stevegoble if u have a few minutes i can fix it for u cause i just saw that v1 used units