Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-NOAA - Another Weather Module
Built with love by me, @Snille, with help from @Mykle1
Didn’t plan on releasing this but due to requests here it is…
MMM-NOAA - another weather module :)
Currently available in English, Swedish and German flavors… [Please PM me if you’d be interested in making any other translation files for this ].
Current weather
current condition
current temp [if above certain temp number turns red]
UV Index [using the UV Index color codes]
Humidity [if above certain % changes number color]
Wind and direction
Barometer [Shows number plus if rising, falling or steady]Sunrise/Sunset times
Rotates through 10 day forecast [including today]
Expected condition
with high/low temps
expected humidityPlease follow Readme on Github!
Version 1.0.0
Nah! You two guys are the real geniuses. I’m just an idea guy.
@cowboysdude How can it support another language such as thai,korea,japaness language
{ "GATHERING_WEATHER_STUFF": "Empfange Wetterdaten...", "CURRENTLY": "Aktuell", "CURRENT_TEMP": "Temperatur", "UV_INDEX": "UV Index", "WIND": "Wind", "FROM": "Von", "BAROMETER": "Barometer", "FORECAST": "Prognose", "MONDAY": "Montag", "TUESDAY": "Dienstag", "WEDNESDAY": "Mittwoch", "THURSDAY": "Donnerstag", "FRIDAY": "Freitag", "SATURDAY": "Samstag", "SUNDAY": "Sonntag", "OVERCAST": "Bedeckt", "CLOUDY": "Bewölkt", "RAIN": "Regen", "CLEAR": "Heiter", "PARTLY_CLOUDY": "Leicht bewölkt", "HIGH": "Maximum", "LOW": "Minimum", "HUMIDITY": "Luftfeuchtigkeit", "SAFE": "Sicher", "MODERATE": "Moderat", "SNOW_SHOWERS": "Schneeregen", "VERY_HIGH": "Sehr hoch", "EXTREME": "Extrem", "SUNSET": "Sonnenuntergang", "SUNRISE": "Sonnenaufgang" }
@yawns said in MMM-NOAA - Another Weather Module:
Thank you @yawns !!!
Thanks to @barnosch and @Michii_M !!!
@nobita just need to create a translation file in json format. I can help you with that if you wish :)
@yawns Thanks so much
Added 2 new config options:
- Show or hide the clock at the top
- To show date format in D/M/YYYY or M/D/YYYY
See the README on Github