Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Syntax Errorn in Config.js
@sollekram Next time, it’s advisable to run
npm run config:check
This will tell you the errors.
You can then e.g.
sudo nano -c config.js
to have the line numbers in nano and look up the lines.
@lavolp3 Is not there somewhere a list of all the commands that are recommended for the MagicMirror.
Also how to drive down the Raspberry PI Properly. I found a lot of different species on the internet. I now use the following shutdown command:
sudo shutdown -h now
I finally fixed it!!
Thank you guys !!! -
@cyrus1337 I think this command is also included in the README of MM.
But it may be worth setting up a list. Don’t know. Maybe I’ll try :-)Your shutdown command is the one I would use as well.
There are different commands giving the same result. The one you mentioned is the one mostly recommended. -
@lavolp3 Ok, then I’m glad I’m using the right command. Partially, the PI is not averse, for whatever reason. Then I just pull the plug.
The list would really be a great idea. Because I’m really a newbi in this area. I can probably do various things on the PC, but the whole programming language are hieroglyphs for me, if you have mine. Because I have no background in this field. Maybe I can help you in another area 😉
@cyrus1337 If you’re really into the magicmirror stuff, it might be worth the time to do a little javascript training. There are courses all around the net, I’m currently doing some courses that have been offered for free on udemy. may help a lot with not too much effort.