Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-DarkSkyForecast - Yet ANOTHER weather module
how can I delete the 2 lines in the forecast?
concise: true,
Hello, Chris,
you can set concise: true. Then wind direction and speed are gone. Unfortunately also with the current weather.My wish would also be that wind direction and wind speed can only be displayed for the current weather. Does anyone know a solution for this?
The crazy situation is, that I have done it before… after a crash I had to config the system again, but I do not know how I have done this in the past. My backup didn’t work and the file was corrupt… :-(
This is the design I would like to have again.
Hope that an expert can support… -
I hope so, too. Just like on your picture I would configure it for myself.
if you just wanna remove the wind in the forecast tile try to add that line in MMM_DarkSkyForecast.css.MMM-DarkSkyForecast .wrapper.tiled .forecast-container .forecast-item .wind-container{ display: none; }
of course it makes sense to remove the existing line before
hope this helps -
Hey there, I’ve also run into this issue. Not sure if anyone has made any progress on it?
@j-e-f-f this looks like a null character before some translation…
I think it is caused by this line of code in MMM-DarkSkyForecast.js
animatedIconId: this.config.useAnimatedIcons ? this.getAnimatedIconId() : null,
and I think the template check has failed
{% if forecast.currently.animatedIconId %}
Trying to find out how to remove this spacing circled in RED.
Hi all, why my day forecast jambs to the hourly forecast? This happens not always just rendemly?
image url)
@pugsly You can check out the css of the part using the developer’s tools of your browser.
The css properties can then be switched on and off and with that you can find out what is responsible for the space.I would guess your module has become broader due to another module. The forecast part, however, seems to have a fixed width and is aligned left. Then you get an empty space on the right.