Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Spotify Play?
@ejay-ibm said in Spotify Play?:
Why in console error instead of console log ?
( Sorry i’m not a dev might be a silly question and I guess the result would be the same if log or error it should be sent to the console… )haha… there is a simple answer. I want them to be red to find them more easy. In a final version it should be console log…
Regarding the RegEx: I just tested them in german. I’m for sure not an RegEx pro (that’s a kind of black magic for me) ;-)
So if you have a better Regex expression feel free to change it.The additional escape characters was necessary to wrap the RegEx into the java code.
Are you getting it to work without these escapes?Proposal:
based on your post it seems to me, like the English version respond -- https...
instead of - https...
So you might need to reflect this in the RegEx
var re = new RegExp("\\(.open\\.spotify\\.com –+ (https:\\/\\/open\\.spotify\\.com[^ ]*).\\)", "gm")
ejay-ibm Project Sponsor Module Developerlast edited by ejay-ibm Mar 8, 2019, 9:48 AM Mar 8, 2019, 9:40 AM
Sorry typo it well respond - https...
I have try :
var re = new RegExp("https:\/\/open\.spotify\.com\/([^ ]*)", "gm") var openSpotify = re.exec(str) if (openSpotify) { console.error("[AMK2] openSpotify found:", openSpotify[1]) foundOpenSpotify = openSpotify[1]
And I’m getting in console log :
received a module notification: PLAY_SPOTIFY from sender: MMM-AssistantMk2
var re = new RegExp("\\(.open\\.spotify\\.com – (https:\\/\\/open\\.spotify\\.com[^ ]*).\\)", "gm")
I’m not getting anything.
What is strange is that in both case :
console.error(“[AMK2] openSpotify found:”, openSpotify[1])Doesn’t throw anything…
but as well
console.log(“[AMK2] video found:”, youtubeVideo[1])
Doesn’t throw anything either even when it find and play a video. so i’ll not worry for not about the notif logsSo, for Now, I consider it’s working as PLAY_SPOTIFY notification is fired.
What would be the next step now?
please check the console in the dev mode, as well as the filesystem logs…
module and helper write unfortunately to different log destinations.Regarding the next steps I’m going to open a chat…
ejay-ibm Project Sponsor Module Developerlast edited by ejay-ibm Mar 9, 2019, 8:20 AM Mar 9, 2019, 8:12 AM
Ok I made a few changes in the MK2assistant node-helper.js
var re = new RegExp("https:\/\/open\.spotify\.com\/([a-zA-Z0-9?\/]+)", "gm") //var re = new RegExp("\\(.open\\.spotify\\.com – (https:\\/\\/open\\.spotify\\.com[^ ]*).\\)", "gm") var openSpotify = re.exec(str) if (openSpotify) { console.error("[AMK2] openSpotify found:", openSpotify[0]) foundOpenSpotify = openSpotify[0]
And as well in Nowplayingoncpotify/core/Spotifyconnector.js
let uri = replaceall("/", ":", url.replace("https:\/\/", "spotify"));
The slash were not escaped in the url making half of the line be a comment.
After updating raspotify to the latest I can say : “Michael Jackson on spotify” and the song start playing .
Good stuff .I’m wondering if slash should be escaped as well here I haven’t do it since it’s working :
const tokenRefreshEndpoint = ''; const apiEndpoint = '';
As you can see the editor consider the part after the slash as comment
Not sure how it works on interpretor side.anyway I’ll post my update in the repo .
Hey Ejay,many thanks for testing and bug fixing.
Regarding your findings: The original RegEx still works on my installation, but based on your experience it seams like the RegEx is more stable by just looking for the URL itself. I can´t see any downside of this approach.
In my test it turn out that “-” and “_” need to be added to the character set, due to they are used e.g. in usernames (spotify_germany) which are part of playlist path.Also the escaping is now much more proper (interesting that the raw version had worked…)
Important finding from ejay
if raspotify just jump back to track start instead of changing the song, an update of raspotify is needed. I had exactly the same behavior on my installation.