@olexs Thanks for putting the work in, you did a great job. I too have showcalendarevents set to 3 and everything seems to be running fine. Thanks again.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: MMM-MyCommute
RE: (2.1.0) Calendar will broadcast events.
@jer78 If you are still looking to get this configured see this thread here. I had (what I believe to be) the exact same request and I got it working with this.
RE: MMM-MyCommute
@pyrosmiley So I copy/Pasta’d the .js file from the calendar-integration branch and it worked like a charm without any configuration other than changing the showcalendarevents value from false. Thanks again, this is huge for me.
RE: Box/Frame around module
@cowboysdude said in Box/Frame around module:
-moz-border-image: url(https://forum.magicmirror.builders/assets/uploads/files/1500968912312-14284711641_ba88f4c074_o.jpg) 6 5 7 4 stretch;
-webkit-border-image: url(https://forum.magicmirror.builders/assets/uploads/files/1500968912312-14284711641_ba88f4c074_o.jpg) 6 5 7 4 stretch;
-o-border-image: url(https://forum.magicmirror.builders/assets/uploads/files/1500968912312-14284711641_ba88f4c074_o.jpg) 6 5 7 4 stretch;
border-image: url(https://forum.magicmirror.builders/assets/uploads/files/1500968912312-14284711641_ba88f4c074_o.jpg) 6 5 7 4 fill stretch;So does this mean you are making constant calls out to the internet to reference this picture? Would it be a better option to store a copy of the image locally for reference? Sorry for the necro
RE: MMM-MyCommute
@pyrosmiley Oh man, thank you so much for this. I was on the right track too but this would have taken me a month to figure out. Now I just need to sit here at work for the next 8 hours waiting to try this out. Thanks again for this, Ill update here if I get it working.
RE: MMM-MyCommute
I Just recently installed and configured MMM-MyCalendar and MMM-MyCommute with few issues and love the modules. I noticed in the config for the calendar (and also in the console logs) that the calendar is broadcasting an array with data such as location, geo, etc.
I was hoping someone with a little more JS experience (I have PS and VB scripting experience but this is my first dive into development) might help me out a little. I have been trying to use the receiveNotification: Function to pull the location and title values from the calendar and use them to update the destination and label fields from MyCommute respectively. Essentially I want the driving duration displayed in MyCommute to give me driving times to my next calendar appointment. I have been searching and throwing code at this module for 3 days now and am ready to start smashing things.
Help me MagicMirror forums…you’re my only hope.