@banbutcher yes, used screen and nethogs and tried lowering the refresh-rates of some modules and the data-usage dropped quickly
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: 2nd mirror! 175x45cm
RE: 2nd mirror! 175x45cm
It’s currently laying on my desk :-(
Couldn’t find a proper way to detect new mail properly yet.
2nd mirror! 175x45cm
My second mirror is almost finished and ready to be published :-)Hardware and data
- Raspberry Pi 4 2GB
- fan - Noctua 5v
- case - Miuzei Raspberry Pi 4 Case (modified to fit the noctua fan)
- monitor - Acer EB1 (EB321HQUC) 31,5"
- 172cm x 42cm glass from glas-star.de (4mm thickness)
- frame by carpenter
- sound - Trust Leto 2.0 USB
- brightnesssensor - GY-302 BH170
- motion sensor - HC-SR501
- microphone - Kinobo Mini Akiro
- total weight - 18.5kg
- MM Version 2.9.2
- Google Assistant
- greeting with time when I arrive at home
- 3 Pages [usual; google maps with traffic; no sensitive data]
- Shows camera of frontdoor / balcony
- Activates house-door relay
- Turns on/off 3d printer (remote sockets and prior shutdown-command)
- Turns on TV, PC & soundbar
- Set of commands
- Turns on PC+TV
- Turns on PC+3d pinter
Mailbox - Remote connection (ryrl896) - if my physical mailbox lid is triggered, it will send a character (mail) to the mirror (5 floors above), opening the mailbox will sends(clear) + it sends once per day “alive” (still work in progress)
- calendar twice (Private & Work)
- MMM-MicrosoftToDo (Private & Work)
- MMM-SystemStats (modified)
- MMM-WienerLinien (modified)
- MMM-NetworkScanner (modified)
- MMM-COVID19 (modified)
- getPiTemps (own module: shows online raspberrypis in private network and their temperature)
- pdvDevices (own module: shows the status of the companies raspberrypis & esps)
- MMM-GoogleMapsTraffic
- clock
- weatherforecast
- currentweather
- newsfeed
- calendar_monthly
- MMM-pages
- MMM-Remote-Control
- MMM-AssistantMk2 (modified)
- MMM-Hotword (modified)
- notification (own module: helper for tasks, such as: display off, show only several modules, show voice commands)
- cam_street (own module: shows stream of balcony)
- cam_door (own module: shows stream of frontdoor)
- mailbox (own module: shows status & time of new mail in my physical mailbox)
- MMM-PilightTemp (own module: shows temperature of my rooms 433mhz temperature sensors connected to a different rpi)
- frame (own module: shows frame for “who is the fairest in the land” made for my sisters monitor: https://forum.magicmirror.builders/topic/12307/magicmirror-project-for-sister)
- logo (own module: shows company logo)
Voice commands
- where is my phone
- who’s the fairest in the land?
- display logo
- display security
- front door / off
- camera on / off (Funksteckdose)
- street on / off
- refresh yourself
- printer on / off
- turn light on / off
- open relay (activates relay controlled by selfmade home-alarm, open house-door)
- turn pc on (WOL)
- amazon on (fireTV stick attached to TV)
- tv on / off
- switch soundbar on / off
- go to sleep
- wake up
- reboot yourself
- shutdown yourself
- mirror off (monitor off)
- ignore (mutes sound)
- mute yourself (mutes sound)
- shut up (mutes sound)
- resume listening (volume 95%)
- protocol one (TV on - via fireTV stick & PC on - via WOL)
- protocol two (3d printer on - via remote sockets & PC on - via WOL)
- show page 1
- show page 2
- show first page
- show next page
- show previous page
- show last page
scripts running in background
- lightsensor which adjusts the monitors brightness
- motionsensor, turns monitor on
- welcome message after being long gone (Welcome home name, it is currenty time)
unsolved issues
- monitor is still visible when it gets darker, although the brightnesssensor-dimming solution made it way better
- microphone isn’t the best - is there an ‘alexa, google home’ like quality solution? (Tried a 4-way mic-array, kinda had worse experience)
- voice commands only work in a silent environment
- update to newer version and install the newer voice related modules
- find out why/what causes about 500mb traffic per day
Mailbox (unfinished)
Sender - RYLR896+Arduino Nano
=> motionsensor for new mail
=> reedsensor for picking up mail
=> energy: “simple” usb powerbank with rechargeable AA batteries (does not shut off due to low power consumption) -
Receiver - RYLR986+ESP8266
=> energy via USB Port rasberry pi
Pictures :-)
RE: Clone the SD card?
- sudo raspi-config
- Advanced Options
- Expand Filesystem
- reboot
that might help :-)
RE: MagicMirror project for sister
@stro voice responses are downloaded from google translate :-)
http://translate.google.com/translate_tts?ie=UTF-8&client=tw-ob&q=hey, how are you&tl=En-us -
RE: MagicMirror project for sister
@phmandl hey, what do you mean by config-file? I’ve already uploaded the config.js to my google-drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/16hNIqnGdpdmm9KeE-jcLGc0-fB80OpML
or do you mean the modul-files?
I have not changed any mmm-remote settings or module-code. -
RE: MagicMirror project for sister
@hayman thanks! Please keep in mind that I’m not using the newest version of AssistantMK2. I’ve changed the following lines in his code (commented as “NEW”), this way, it will only me shown, if MMM-Hotword detected the hotword:
prepareDom() { .... this.subdom.youtube = ytOutput this.subdom.wrapper = wrapper wrapper.style.display = "none" //NEW return wrapper } activate(profile, textQuery=null, sender=null, id=null, sayMode=false) { .... if (this.config.onActivate) { this.subdom.wrapper.style.display = "block" // NEW setTimeout(()=>{ this.doCommand(this.config.onActivate, "onActivate", "onActivate") }, this.config.onActivate.timer) } .... } deactivate(cb=()=>{}) { this.changeStatus("STANDBY") this.subdom.wrapper.style.display = "none" // NEW this.sendNotification(this.config.notifications.ASSISTANT_DEACTIVATED) this.quietRequest = false cb() }
RE: MagicMirror project for sister
I had no trouble reading the texts neither at night or day - you can easily adjust the brightness via MMM-Remote:@phmandl bought at glas-star.de “Pilkington Mirropane Chrome Spy 4mm (Spy4) 0.3” : 82,00 € + 70,00€ shipping (:/)
RE: MagicMirror project for sister
hey, as far as I can remember, the glass is slightly bigger than the monitor and the frame is also slightly bigger than the glass, no tape was used, since you only see the monitor in the frame and not the “frame” of the 27" monitor.tried to show it graphically with my old expanded notebookdisplay:
RE: MagicMirror project for sister
if your recoding is still quiet, even when you’ve raised the sensitivity, it’s mostlikly your microphone :/
I’ve bought this one https://www.amazon.de/Kinobo-Mini-Akiro-Mikrofon-Windows/dp/B00NSOWWIS
and also one that looked like 99% the same, was cheaper, but wayyy worse in comparison.