[image: 1697857987201-6832d45b-72b0-46f5-bfb0-0504e071a1c0-image.png]
Can someone tell me how to configure the module options for “MMM-OpenWeatherMapForecast” to display three entries per hour and also three entries for the three-day forecast, but with only three entries per row? Additionally, I’d like to add a custom text for the forecast header (forecastHeaderText). Where exactly do I insert these settings within the module?
module: "MMM-OpenWeatherMapForecast",
header: "Wetter für xxxx",
position: "top_right",
classes: "default everyone",
forcastHeaderText: "Vorhersage",
disabled: false,
config: {
apikey: "Myseckretxxxxxxxxxx",/*Api 2.*/
latitude: "51.003xx",
longitude: "6.889xx",
iconset: "4c",
concise: true,
forecastLayout: "tiled",
forcastHeaderText: "Vorhersage"
…as it can be seen here, the text for the forecast does not seem to take effect?