@teitlebot Hey the feature has been implemented,
Sorry i’m crawling under work and forgot to update ( I’ll update my repo in the week . )
You just need to update your Mk2 assisant ( Git Pull from MMM-Assistant folder)
@Sean the developer gently added new notification called ASSISTANT_UNDERSTOOD . Use that one to trigger the talking effect .
That is my config.js sample :
module: "MMM-AI",
position: "top_center",
config: {
width: "300px",
height: "400px",
refresh_interval_sec: 0, // you should not refresh, because content will be back to default value.
content: `<img id="MY_ANIMATION" src="modules/MMM-AI/jarvis-standby2.gif"/>`,
triggers: [
trigger: "HOTWORD_RESUME",
fires: [
fire: "standby_Image",
payload: payload => {
var img = document.getElementById("MY_ANIMATION");
img.src = "modules/MMM-AI/jarvis-standby2.gif";
return payload;
trigger: "HOTWORD_PAUSE",
fires: [
//fire: "VOLUME_MUTE",
exec: "amixer set Master 10% -q"
fires: [
payload: payload => {
var img = document.getElementById("MY_ANIMATION");
img.src = "modules/MMM-AI/jarvis-talk2.gif";
return payload;