Just wait for the OpenStreetMap support.
Here is a beta branch: https://github.com/jalibu/MMM-RAIN-MAP/tree/feature/OSM
Just wait for the OpenStreetMap support.
Here is a beta branch: https://github.com/jalibu/MMM-RAIN-MAP/tree/feature/OSM
Happy to announce, that there is a 30 minute forecast in the latest version. Please test and feedback.
That’s strange. Can you sort out which symbol causes this error?
If it makes you happy, right now it’s better to see an error message on the mirror than to be shown the current stock performance.
It is generally recommended best practice to check-in the package-lock.json for node modules.
However, I in our case of MM-Modules the disadvantages clearly outweigh the expected advantages in my opinion.
In my modules, it is therefore part of .gitignore
@MZ-BER MMM-NINA and MMM-Jast will work with v2.25.0 :smiling_face_with_sunglasses:
I fixed the timeFormat error. Thank you for your feedback @chassain-0
@KristjanESPERANTO are there plans to make this the official linked modules store on the project‘s page?
In my opinion it is already by far better than the existing one. I‘d also vote for making this the source of truth without dependency to the old page as a datasource
@acdacd2 if you would share your config with us then there was a little higher chance to guess your problem.
Hier mal ein erster Entwurf: https://github.com/jalibu/MMM-NINA
An der Optik müssen wir noch Arbeiten ;-)
Bin hier für Vorschläge (Mockups, etc) offen.