My old MagicMirror system died, and I decided to start over (mostly) with a new one. After I got the main MM set up (as usual, huge props to sdetweil for making setup easy, as well as Bee-Mar for making module installation easy), I started experimenting with MMM-TouchButton and MMM-AutoDimmer. My thought was to have AutoDimmer on a schedule, but also add Reboot, Shutdown, enable AutoDimmer, and disable AutoDimmer.
It took me a little while, but I eventually learned about CSS’s “z-index”. We all know X (up/down) and Y (left/right) coordinates, so it should be no surprise that Z is closer to front/closer to the back. (The surprise for me was discovering the Z index itself!) My problem with MMM-TouchButton and MMM-AutoDimmer was that TouchButton was set for “999” Z height, but AutoDimmer was set for “9999” Z height. In other words, since the AutoDimmer module covered the whole screen (so it could “dim” the whole screen) and was on top of the TouchButton buttons, and so all of my touches/clicks were hitting AutoDimmer, and not getting through to TouchButton. (Imagine a sheet of glass on top of your keyboard!)
Once I figured that out, I was able to set AutoDimmer to a lower Z-index/height, and my TouchButtons started working.
Ultimately, I gave up on AutoDimmer. My MM is not a mirror, it is just an old monitor. Even though AutoDimmer was able to reduce the contrast of the screen, which darkened the whites and lighter colors, the monitor’s backlight was still full-blast. It might work better for AMOLED or “dark zone” screens.
While troubleshooting this, it was helpful to be able to access the MM “server” by default on port 8080. I also appreciated that the pm2 script automatically restarts the MM when it detects a config change.
Lastly, I appreciated uxigene’s MMM-Cursor module, which allows the cursor to show on the MM screen (or when over the webpage remotely) then hides it after a delay. Definitely saved me some work and some guess-work on what I was clicking on.
Hopefully, this will help others find a solution for touch-based problems or other overlapping-module issues.