Here is the config:
module: "MMM-OpenWeatherForecast",
position: "top_left",
disabled: false,
header: "",
config: {
latitude: <RM FOR PRIVACY>,
longitude: <RM FOR PRIVACY,
units: "imperial",
debug: true,
apiBaseURL: "https://api.openweathermap.org/data/3.0/onecall?",
iconset: "3m",
colored: false,
concise: true,
requestDelay: "2000",
showFeelsLikeTemp: true,
showCurrentConditions: true,
showSummary: true,
showExtraCurrentConditions: true,
extraCurrentConditions: {
highLowTemp: true,
precipitation: true,
sunrise: false,
sunset: false,
wind: true,
barometricPressure: false,
humidity: true,
dewPoint: false,
uvIndex: true,
visibility: false
forecastLayout: "table",
forecastHeaderText: "",
hourlyForecastTableHeaderText: "Hourly",
showHourlyForecast: true,
showHourlyTableHeaderRow: true,
hourlyForecastInterval: 3,
maxHourliesToShow: 3,
hourlyExtras: {
precipitation: true,
wind: true,
barometricPressure: false,
humidity: false,
dewPoint: false,
uvIndex: false,
visibility: false
dailyForecastTableHeaderText: "Weekly",
showDailyForecast: true,
showDailyTableHeaderRow: true,
maxDailiesToShow: 5,
dailyExtras: {
precipitation: true,
sunrise: false,
sunset: false,
wind: true,
barometricPressure: false,
humidity: false,
dewPoint: false,
uvIndex: false
This is the output of the command:
origin https://github.com/Tom-Hirschberger/MMM-OpenWeatherForecast (fetch)
origin https://github.com/Tom-Hirschberger/MMM-OpenWeatherForecast (push)