Re: MMM-Rugby
@mumblebaj Hello, I hope you are well, I restarted the rugby module and for the top 14 I do not have the matches or the ranking up to date do you know why? thanks for your help
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: MM startup problem after update
@sdetweil Sam thanks for your help, but I think I’m going to give up… nothing works, I have another MM I’m going to copy the sd card and copy it to that of my MM and not do an update, if I understood correctly that it is the operating system that does not support updating? if this is it on which system should I install MM please?
RE: MM startup problem after update
@sdetweil Yes, that’s true, sorry, but then I made another comment to let you know that I had an error when I passed the line: ```
npm run install-mmpi@MagicMirror:~/MagicMirror $ npm run install-mm
magicmirror@2.27.0 install-mm
npm install --no-audit --no-fund --no-update-notifier --only=prod --omit=dev/
<— Last few GCs —>[12543:0x5273870] 17046 ms: Mark-sweep (reduce) 226.7 (234.0) -> 226.5 (234.0 ) MB, 147.4 / 0.0 ms (+ 65.0 ms in 7 steps since start of marking, biggest step 17.7 ms, walltime since start of marking 223 ms) (average mu = 0.854, current m u = 0.346) allo[12543:0x5273870] 17258 ms: Mark-sweep (reduce) 226.9 (234.0) -> 226.9 (234.5) MB, 207.1 / 0.0 ms (average mu = 0.705, current mu = 0.026) al location failure; scavenge might not succeed
<— JS stacktrace —>
FATAL ERROR: Reached heap limit Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memor y
Aborted -
RE: MM startup problem after update
@sdetweil Sam a few posts above I told you that I had a problem passing this line:
git checkout -b temp v.2.27.0 so I didn't pass the other command lines
rm package-lock.json
rm -rf node_modules
npm run install-mm -
RE: MM startup problem after update
@sdetweil hi Sam if I understand correctly it is not possible to restart the MM with the update that I passed, that’s it,
RE: MM startup problem after update
@sdetweil I have an error see below, thanks Sam
pi@MagicMirror:~/MagicMirror $ git checkout -b temp v2.27.0
Basculement sur la nouvelle branche ‘temp’
pi@MagicMirror:~/MagicMirror $ rm package-lock.json
pi@MagicMirror:~/MagicMirror $ rm -rf node_modules
pi@MagicMirror:~/MagicMirror $ npm run install-mmmagicmirror@2.27.0 install-mm
npm install --no-audit --no-fund --no-update-notifier --only=prod --omit=dev/
<— Last few GCs —>[25028:0x4545870] 27358 ms: Mark-sweep (reduce) 226.0 (233.8) -> 225.8 (233.8) MB, 271.2 / 0.0 ms (average mu = 0.812, current mu = 0.296) allocation failure; scavenge might not succeed
[25028:0x4545870] 27592 ms: Mark-sweep (reduce) 226.3 (233.8) -> 226.2 (234.3) MB, 230.3 / 0.0 ms (average mu = 0.653, current mu = 0.018) allocation failure; scavenge might not succeed<— JS stacktrace —>
FATAL ERROR: Reached heap limit Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory
pi@MagicMirror:~/MagicMirror $ -
RE: MM startup problem after update
@sdetweil Sam I have an error when I pass the line
git checkout -b temp v.2.27.0
pi@MagicMirror:~ $ node -v
pi@MagicMirror:~ $ cd ~/MagicMirror
pi@MagicMirror:~/MagicMirror $ git fetch --tags
remote: Enumerating objects: 4, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (4/4), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done.
remote: Total 4 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
D▒paquetage des objets: 100% (4/4), fait.
Depuis [nouvelle branche] dependabot/npm_and_yarn/develop/stylistic/eslint-plugin-2.3.0 -> origin/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/develop/stylistic/eslint-plugin-2.3.0
! [rejet▒] v2.17.0 -> v2.17.0 (▒craserait l’▒tiquette existante)
pi@MagicMirror:~/MagicMirror $ git checkout -b temp v.2.27.0
fatal: ‘v.2.27.0’ n’est pas un commit et une branche ‘temp’ ne peut pas en ▒tre cr▒▒e depuis
so I’m not going any further, I’m waiting for your instructions
- [nouvelle branche] dependabot/npm_and_yarn/develop/stylistic/eslint-plugin-2.3.0 -> origin/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/develop/stylistic/eslint-plugin-2.3.0
RE: MM startup problem after update
@sdetweil I’ll give you part of upgrade.log I hope it suits you and I’ll look at the link you provided I hope I’ll manage to understand what to do
restoring custom.css
removing git alias
Upgrade ended - mar. avril 2 10:35:49 CEST 2024Upgrade started - mar. avril 2 10:37:27 CEST 2024
system is Linux MagicMirror 5.10.103-v7+ #1529 SMP Tue Mar 8 12:21:37 GMT 2022 armv7l GNU/Linux
user requested to apply changes
doing test run = false
the os is Distributor ID: Raspbian Description: Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster) Release: 10 Codename: buster
[0mNode currently installed. Checking version number.[0m
[0mMinimum Node version: [1mv18.18.0[0m
[0mInstalled Node version: [1mv18.18.0[0m
[96mCheck current Node installation …[0m
[0mNode currently installed. Checking version number.
[0mMinimum Node version: [1mv18.18.0[0m
[0mInstalled Node version: [1mv18.18.0[0m
[92mNo Node.js upgrade necessary.[0m
[96mCheck current NPM installation …[0m
[0mNPM currently installed. Checking version number.
[0mMinimum npm version: [1mV9.8.1[0m
[0mInstalled npm version: [1mV9.8.1[0m
[92mNo npm upgrade necessary.[0msaving custom.css
remote name = origin
upgrading from version 2.26.0 to 2.27.0
fetching latest revisions
git fetch rc=0
current branch = master
On branch master
Your branch is behind ‘origin/master’ by 1 commit, and can be fast-forwarded.
(use “git pull” to update your local branch)Untracked files:
(use “git add …” to include in what will be committed)core css/icons/ css/save_custom.css modules/default/currentweather/ nohup.out
nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use “git add” to track)
no files different from github version
test merge result rc=‘’ , if empty, no conflicts
executing merge, apply specified
merge result rc= 0
Updating 118e2123…5ea8a346 Fast-forward .eslintignore
3 ± .eslintrc.json
18 ± .github/codecov.yaml
10 - .github/dependabot.yaml
15 + .github/workflows/depsreview.yaml
2 ± .github/workflows/electronRebuild.yaml
20 + .github/workflows/enforce-pullrequest-rules.yaml
2 ± .gitignore
6 ± .husky/pre-commit
2 - .npmrc
1 + .prettierignore
2 +
199 ±
24 ±
2 ±
10 ± clientonly/index.js
4 ± config/config.js.sample
5 ± css/custom.css.sample
8 ± fonts/package-lock.json
18 ± fonts/package.json
11 ± js/animateCSS.js
7 - js/app.js
42 ± js/check_config.js
23 ± js/defaults.js
8 ± js/deprecated.js
8 - js/electron.js
1 + js/loader.js
6 - js/logger.js
43 ± js/main.js
6 - js/module.js
6 ± js/node_helper.js
6 - js/server.js
16 ± js/server_functions.js
4 ± js/socketclient.js
6 - js/translator.js
6 - js/utils.js
37 ± mm2.png
Bin 0 -> 6947 bytes modules/default/alert/alert.js
6 - modules/default/calendar/calendar.js
33 ± modules/default/calendar/calendarfetcher.js
9 ± modules/default/calendar/calendarfetcherutils.js
268 ± modules/default/calendar/calendarutils.js
6 - modules/default/calendar/debug.js
3 - modules/default/calendar/node_helper.js
15 ± modules/default/clock/clock.js
11 ± modules/default/compliments/compliments.js
8 ± modules/default/defaultmodules.js
5 ± modules/default/helloworld/helloworld.js
6 - modules/default/newsfeed/newsfeed.js
43 ± modules/default/newsfeed/newsfeedfetcher.js
13 ± modules/default/newsfeed/node_helper.js
7 - modules/default/updatenotification/git_helper.js
10 ± …/default/updatenotification/update_helper.js
57 ± …/updatenotification/updatenotification.js
10 ± modules/default/weather/current.njk
56 ± modules/default/weather/providers/envcanada.js
8 ± modules/default/weather/providers/openmeteo.js
12 ± …/default/weather/providers/openweathermap.js
9 ± modules/default/weather/providers/pirateweather.js
11 ± modules/default/weather/providers/smhi.js
12 ± modules/default/weather/providers/ukmetoffice.js
9 ± …/weather/providers/ukmetofficedatahub.js
9 ± modules/default/weather/providers/weatherbit.js
11 ± modules/default/weather/providers/weatherflow.js
10 ± modules/default/weather/providers/weathergov.js
10 ± modules/default/weather/providers/yr.js
10 ± modules/default/weather/weather.js
14 ± modules/default/weather/weatherobject.js
12 - modules/default/weather/weatherprovider.js
9 ± modules/default/weather/weatherutils.js
6 - package-lock.json
4180 ++++++++++++±------ package.json
60 ± serveronly/index.js
2 ± tests/configs/default.js
5 - tests/configs/empty_ipWhiteList.js
5 - tests/configs/modules/alert/default.js
5 - tests/configs/modules/calendar/auth-default.js
5 - tests/configs/modules/calendar/bad_rrule.js
5 - tests/configs/modules/calendar/basic-auth.js
5 - tests/configs/modules/calendar/changed-port.js
5 - tests/configs/modules/calendar/custom.js
6 ± tests/configs/modules/calendar/default.js
5 - …/{exdate.js => exdate_la_at_midnight_dst.js}
13 ± …/modules/calendar/exdate_la_at_midnight_std.js
37 + …/modules/calendar/exdate_la_before_midnight.js
37 + …/modules/calendar/exdate_syd_at_midnight_dst.js
37 + …/modules/calendar/exdate_syd_at_midnight_std.js
37 + …/modules/calendar/exdate_syd_before_midnight.js
37 + tests/configs/modules/calendar/fail-basic-auth.js
7 - …/configs/modules/calendar/long-fullday-event.js
28 + tests/configs/modules/calendar/old-basic-auth.js
5 - tests/configs/modules/calendar/recurring.js
5 - tests/configs/modules/calendar/rrule_until.js
30 + …/calendar/show-duplicates-in-calendar.js
5 - …/modules/calendar/single-fullday-event.js
28 + tests/configs/modules/clock/clock_12hr.js
5 - tests/configs/modules/clock/clock_24hr.js
5 - tests/configs/modules/clock/clock_analog.js
4 - …/modules/clock/clock_displaySeconds_false.js
5 - …/configs/modules/clock/clock_showDateAnalog.js
5 - …/configs/modules/clock/clock_showPeriodUpper.js
5 - tests/configs/modules/clock/clock_showSunMoon.js
5 - tests/configs/modules/clock/clock_showTime.js
5 - tests/configs/modules/clock/clock_showWeek.js
5 - tests/configs/modules/clock/es/clock_12hr.js
5 - tests/configs/modules/clock/es/clock_24hr.js
5 - …/modules/clock/es/clock_showPeriodUpper.js
5 - tests/configs/modules/clock/es/clock_showWeek.js
6 - …/modules/compliments/compliments_animateCSS.js
6 - …/compliments_animateCSS_fallbackToDefault.js
7 - …compliments_animateCSS_invertedAnimationName.js
6 - …/modules/compliments/compliments_anytime.js
5 - …/modules/compliments/compliments_date.js
5 - …/compliments/compliments_only_anytime.js
5 - …/modules/compliments/compliments_parts_day.js
5 - …/modules/compliments/compliments_remote.js
5 - tests/configs/modules/display.js
5 - tests/configs/modules/helloworld/helloworld.js
5 - …/modules/helloworld/helloworld_default.js
5 - tests/configs/modules/newsfeed/default.js
5 - tests/configs/modules/newsfeed/ignore_items.js
4 - tests/configs/modules/newsfeed/incorrect_url.js
4 - tests/configs/modules/newsfeed/prohibited_words.js
4 - tests/configs/modules/positions.js
5 - …/modules/weather/currentweather_compliments.js
5 - …/modules/weather/currentweather_default.js
6 ± …/modules/weather/currentweather_options.js
7 ± …/modules/weather/currentweather_units.js
7 ± …/modules/weather/forecastweather_absolute.js
5 - …/modules/weather/forecastweather_default.js
5 - …/modules/weather/forecastweather_options.js
5 - …/modules/weather/forecastweather_units.js
5 - …/modules/weather/hourlyweather_default.js
5 - …/modules/weather/hourlyweather_options.js
5 - …/weather/hourlyweather_showPrecipitation.js
5 - tests/configs/noIpWhiteList.js
5 - tests/configs/port_8090.js
5 - tests/configs/port_variable.js.template
5 - tests/configs/without_modules.js
5 - tests/e2e/animateCSS_spec.js
7 - tests/e2e/fonts_spec.js
2 ± tests/e2e/helpers/basic-auth.js
2 ± tests/e2e/modules/calendar_spec.js
31 + tests/e2e/modules/weather_current_spec.js
16 ± tests/e2e/serveronly_spec.js
2 ± tests/e2e/template_spec.js
2 ± tests/e2e/translations_spec.js
4 ± tests/electron/env_spec.js
2 ± tests/electron/helpers/global-setup.js
6 ± tests/electron/modules/calendar_spec.js
105 ± tests/mocks/calendar_test_exdate.ics
34 - tests/mocks/calendar_test_full_day_events.ics
33 + …/calendar_test_multi_day_starting_today.ics
33 + tests/mocks/exdate_la_at_midnight_dst.ics
15 + tests/mocks/exdate_la_at_midnight_std.ics
15 + tests/mocks/exdate_la_before_midnight.ics
15 + tests/mocks/exdate_syd_at_midnight_dst.ics
15 + tests/mocks/exdate_syd_at_midnight_std.ics
15 + tests/mocks/exdate_syd_before_midnight.ics
15 + tests/mocks/rrule_until.ics
24 + tests/unit/classes/class_spec.js
2 ± tests/unit/classes/translator_spec.js
2 ± tests/unit/classes/utils_spec.js
35 ± tests/unit/functions/cmp_versions_spec.js
2 ± tests/unit/functions/updatenotification_spec.js
22 ± tests/unit/global_vars/defaults_modules_spec.js
4 ± tests/unit/global_vars/root_path_spec.js
4 ± tests/utils/weather_mocker.js
13 ± translations/et.json
31 ± translations/translations.js
7 - vendor/package-lock.json
10 ± vendor/package.json
9 ± vendor/vendor.js
6 - 173 files changed, 4108 insertions(+), 2557 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 .github/codecov.yaml
create mode 100644 .github/workflows/electronRebuild.yaml
create mode 100644 mm2.png rename tests/configs/modules/calendar/{exdate.js => exdate_la_at_midnight_dst.js} (50%)
create mode 100644 tests/configs/modules/calendar/exdate_la_at_midnight_std.js
create mode 100644 tests/configs/modules/calendar/exdate_la_before_midnight.js
create mode 100644 tests/configs/modules/calendar/exdate_syd_at_midnight_dst.js
create mode 100644 tests/configs/modules/calendar/exdate_syd_at_midnight_std.js
create mode 100644 tests/configs/modules/calendar/exdate_syd_before_midnight.js
create mode 100644 tests/configs/modules/calendar/long-fullday-event.js
create mode 100644 tests/configs/modules/calendar/rrule_until.js
create mode 100644 tests/configs/modules/calendar/single-fullday-event.js delete mode 100644 tests/mocks/calendar_test_exdate.ics
create mode 100644 tests/mocks/calendar_test_full_day_events.ics
create mode 100644 tests/mocks/calendar_test_multi_day_starting_today.ics
create mode 100644 tests/mocks/exdate_la_at_midnight_dst.ics
create mode 100644 tests/mocks/exdate_la_at_midnight_std.ics
create mode 100644 tests/mocks/exdate_la_before_midnight.ics
create mode 100644 tests/mocks/exdate_syd_at_midnight_dst.ics
create mode 100644 tests/mocks/exdate_syd_at_midnight_std.ics
create mode 100644 tests/mocks/exdate_syd_before_midnight.ics
create mode 100644 tests/mocks/rrule_until.ics
processor architecture is armv7l
updating MagicMirror runtime, please waitmagicmirror@2.27.0 postinstall
npm run install-vendor && npm run install-fonts && echo "MagicMirror² installation finished successfully!
"magicmirror@2.27.0 install-vendor
echo "Installing vendor files …
" && cd vendor && npm install --loglevel=error --no-audit --no-fund --no-update-notifierInstalling vendor files …
changed 1 package in 3s
magicmirror@2.27.0 install-fonts
echo "Installing fonts …
" && cd fonts && npm install --loglevel=error --no-audit --no-fund --no-update-notifierInstalling fonts …
changed 2 packages in 6s
MagicMirror² installation finished successfully!magicmirror@2.27.0 prepare
[ -f node_modules/.bin/husky ] && husky || echo no husky husky installed.
added 483 packages in 2m
112 packages are looking for funding
runnpm fund
for details
npm install completed - mar. avril 2 10:39:31 CEST 2024 on base
fixing sandbox permissionsChecking for modules with removed libraries
downloading dumpactivemodules scriptupdating dependencies for active modules with package.json files
processing for module MMM-OneCallWeather please wait ----------------------------------
added 1 package, and audited 2 packages in 4s
found 0 vulnerabilities
processing complete for module MMM-OneCallWeather processing for module MMM-ISS-Map please wait ----------------------------------
added 1 package, and audited 2 packages in 7s
found 0 vulnerabilities
processing complete for module MMM-ISS-Map processing for module MMM-ISS-Live please wait ----------------------------------
up to date, audited 1 package in 2s
found 0 vulnerabilities
processing complete for module MMM-ISS-Live
restoring custom.css
removing git alias
Upgrade ended - mar. avril 2 10:39:54 CEST 2024