@radioman Wie mache ich eigentlich ein Update.
Führen Sie das Upgrade-Skript von meinem Git-Repo aus, wie ich es zuvor beschrieben habe
Oder reicht es wenn ich den Magic Mirror Ordner auf dem Raspberry speichere
das ist eine gute rückenstrategie
I saw in a forum post that a digital clock was shown in the MMM-MyWordClock module (see photo) how and where can I add this clock to the module
[image: 1601928131736-uhr.png]
I have another question.
In a forum tweet I saw that there is still a digital clock above the word clock.
Where can you set this. And is the Word clock not working correctly?
I had in the display that it was 5 after 12 but in reality it was 8 after 12
@radioman I am not aware of any tools that will do what u want directly.
you might be able to use MMM-Pages
make the main page without the rain module, and another with.
Unfortunately, I’m not that much of a programmer.
In which styles file and where in the file changes the view.
I would like to be shown in the calendar.
“Day - Date - Event”.
e.g. “Monday 08.07.20 dentist”
thank you