@sdetweil I did use the 32 bit version. From boot to MM display is around 5 minutes, maybe more. The stock ticker (MMM_Jast) is very slow and jerky compared to my mirror running on Buster, and basically unusable. There were other things I noticed too. After booting to Raspberry Pi O/S, the monitor goes completely white for a minute or two between the desktop display and the Magic Mirror. I never had that issue with Buster. If I’m forced to upgrade in the future I’ll use a Pi 4 or 5, but for now I’ll stick with what I have.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: Can't install MMM-Jast on RPi Zero 2 W after OS upgrade to Bookworm
RE: Can't install MMM-Jast on RPi Zero 2 W after OS upgrade to Bookworm
@sdetweil I tried 400, 800, and 1024. 1024 bricked it. I was able to plug the USB into a Pi4 and get it working, While in the Pi4, I was able to install the MMM-Jast module and then reduce it back to 400. When I moved it back to the Zero 2W it worked. But the whole thing is agonizingly slow on the Zero 2 with Bookworm. About 10 times slower than with Buster. Even logging in via SSH was terribly slow.
That was a few days completely wasted. Just out of curiosity, is there a way to reset the memory allocation to whatever the default value is? I have faster Pi’s I could use but I don’t like the fan noise.
Can't install MMM-Jast on RPi Zero 2 W after OS upgrade to Bookworm
I had MMM_Jast working on a Pi Zero 2 W (Buster). I wanted to update Magic Mirror to the latest version but that required an OS update as well. So I did a fresh install of Bookworm and MagicMirror. The NodeJS version is 20.15.1. and the NPM version is 10.7.0.
Magic Mirror and a couple of modules are working fine. However, when I try to install MMM-Jast I get an error during the “npm install” part. Here is the error message:
FATAL ERROR: Reached heap limit Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory
Can I increase the heap space, and if so, how and to what value?
RE: Trouble updating Magic Mirror on Raspberry Pi Zero 2W
@sdetweil It’s Buster. I guess I’ll have to build it from scratch again. I remember having a hard time getting the PIR Sensor module to work, not sure if works under bookworm.
Trouble updating Magic Mirror on Raspberry Pi Zero 2W
I’ve had Magic Mirror running on a Pi Zero 2W for about 8 months and it is behind a few versions. I tried to update to the latest version but get the 'Unsupported engine" NodeJs and NPM version error.
As far as I’ve seen, newer versions of NodeJs don’t support the Zero 2. Is that true? Is there a workaround so I can update my Mirror?
RE: MMM-MyScoreboard
I’d like to increase the size of the start time for an upcoming game. Which element in the CSS file would that be?
RE: `GLIBCXX_3.4.26' not found (required by node)
@nnvv3344 Unfortunately, the module MMM-Jast requires Node above 18, so I can do that.
RE: MMM-JAST stopped working yesterday.
I can no longer edit this post so here is some additional information.
I removed the config line that requests stock “AAPL” but all of the error messages still show unable to retrieve AAPL. Also note that all modules before and after MMM-JAST in the config file are working fine.
[15.06.2024 21:29.13.803] [WARN] API request for ^DJI failed: Unsupported redirect to https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/AAPL/, please report.
[15.06.2024 21:29.13.806] [WARN] API request for ^IXIC failed: Unsupported redirect to https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/AAPL/, please report.
[15.06.2024 21:29.13.809] [WARN] API request for GOOG failed: Unsupported redirect to https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/AAPL/, please report.
[15.06.2024 21:29.13.813] [WARN] API request for AMZN failed: Unsupported redirect to https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/AAPL/, please report.
[15.06.2024 21:29.13.817] [WARN] API request for META failed: Unsupported redirect to https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/AAPL/, please report.
[15.06.2024 21:29.13.819] [WARN] API request for TSLA failed: Unsupported redirect to https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/AAPL/, please report.
[15.06.2024 21:29.13.820] [WARN] API request for UA failed: Unsupported redirect to https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/AAPL/, please report. -
MMM-JAST stopped working yesterday.
I’m running the latest version of MMM-JAST and it stopped working yesterday. The rest of the modules are working properly. The error log shows “[WARN] API request for GOOG failed: Unsupported redirect to https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/AAPL/, please report.”
I’m getting a similar message for every ticker symbol. And all reference “AAPL”, which is strange.
If I go to that link in a browser, it successfully brings up that data. Here is my configuration:
module: "MMM-Jast", position: "bottom_left", config: { currencyStyle: "code", // One of ["code", "symbol", "name"] fadeSpeedInSeconds: 200, lastUpdateFormat: "HH:mm", maxChangeAge: 1 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, maxWidth: "100%", numberDecimalsPercentages: 1, numberDecimalsValues: 2, scroll: "horizontal", // One of ["none", "vertical", "horizontal"] showColors: true, showCurrency: false, showChangePercent: false, showChangeValue: true, showChangeValueCurrency: false, showHiddenStocks: false, showLastUpdate: false, showPortfolioValue: false, showPortfolioGrowthPercent: false, showPortfolioGrowth: false, updateIntervalInSeconds: 300, useGrouping: false, virtualHorizontalMultiplier: 2, stocks: [ { name: "DJI", symbol: "^DJI", quantity: 10 }, { name: "NASDQ", symbol: "^IXIC", quantity: 15 }, { name: "APPL", symbol: "AAPL" }, { name: "GOOG", symbol: "GOOG"}, { name: "AMZN", symbol: "AMZN"}, { name: "META", symbol: "META"}, { name: "TSLA", symbol: "TSLA"}, { name: "UA", symbol: "UA"} ] } }
MMM-MyScoreboard Is it possible to change the font size of the Game Time?
I would like to make the game time font larger but keeping everything else the same. I’m using Large Logos.