Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
My Magic Miror
Hello to all forum.
Finally after a tones af reading, asking, searching I managed to finish and hang my mirror to the wall so it is time to share my effort with you.The frame is regular wood. It is thicker than I thought but it is my first try.
I painted with grey chalkpaint and after my wife’s suggestion we gave it a vintage look before polish it.
The project is running on an Rpi 4B 4GB
The modules I am using are the follwing:
EXT-YouTubeVLCBehind the frame there is a 2m WS2812B which is powered from an external 5V power supply and controlled by an arduino. I have uploaded a schetch I found here with about 20 effects which I change from an extelnal push button. Also one raw of zimple RGB led strip running on an external 12V power supply. This one is used for GA statuses. It is usefull for me because I am using an old TV with built-in speakers. That means that when the TV is closed I have no audio either so when I use the command to turn it on I do not know if GA heard me or not. Any way here are some picures of my built.
I have two of these 12V fans to cool the frame
The circuit that drives the RGB led strip for GA status.
I hope you like my try. At this point I would like to thank everyboby who replied to my hundrends of questions and hepled me finish this project.
Special thanks and RESPECT to @bugsounet for his excellent wiki and recipes and for his patience! -
@Anthony Nicely done. Was a little concerned about the thickness of the wood and how heavy it would be but it looks good. Love the effects…
@mumblebaj Thank you my friend. That why I mention thickness in the beginning of the topic. We learn from our mistakes. Next one will be better and thinner for sure!
wow !! wonderfull !
26 modules used including 20 from myself ! :astonished_face: :astonished_face:
- Real question is
why ?
- @bugsounet response is
just because !
Happy use @Anthony
- Real question is
Looks great !!!
Wow that looks amazing! Great work!
@Anthony nice job congratulations!
This looks great. As mumblebaj said, I too was concerned about the thickness but more about how far out the screen would stick out from the wall, but showing it next to a wall-mounted television shows that the Magic Mirror sticks out about the same.
It also took me far too long to realize that GA is Google Assistant. Some acronyms/abbreviations just never stick in my brain!
@joey Hello and thank you for your review and your opinion as well. You are right about the frame thickness but since this was my first built I want it to be safe for it’s weight so I exaggerated a little. Next will be thinner. As for the wall distance this the minimum I could do since all the components (RPi, arduino, power supplies etc) I think they couldn’t fit in a thinner frame. Although it looks great in my home. Also I kept in mind that there must be enough space in the frame for vendilation. For GA I am sorry but everyone refers to Google Assistant like this so I did too.