Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Hello !
Nice script but can you tell us what information you need to execute scripts ? Maybe I should open a troubleshooting thread but I tried with the examples with script and have this config :
{ module: 'MMM-Temperature', position: 'top_right', config: { sensors: [ name: "Test", script: "/home/pi/Adafruit_Python_DHT/examples/", args: "11 2" ] } },
And get an error (but if I use the script alone, i get the temperature and humidity)
Thanks !
@Hadr1en Hi, the module expects an json string as output of the script it executes. There is a section in the readme which shows an example:
{ "humidity": 32.61236572265625, "temperature_c": 25.50150878906249, //Temperature in °C "temperature_f": 77.9027158203125, //Temperature in °F "error": false }
What kind of error do you get?
I know this is an old thread but maybe someone can help. I have everything installed but for the life of me can’t get it to change to fahrenheit. No matter where I put the change line in config it always reads celsius.
I am using a DS18b20 if it matters.
Tha ks in advance.
@snakestang Hi, I currently do not use the module (and only used the Fahrenheit option during development) in my setup but I will try to setup a simple development environment to check your problem.
No worries. Thanks for your time. Not the end of the world by any means.
Hi,i tried the following configuration
{ module: "MMM-Temperature", position: "bottom_right", config: { useCelsius: false, sensors: [ { name: "Sensor One", script: "ds18b20", args: "123456" } ] }, },
and everything works as expected.
The unit is changed to “°F” and the “temperature_f” value is chosen. -
I will try again! Thanks for checking!