Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
White screen after xx time
No one with a solution???
I had this problem a while ago when I was playing with Motion and a Raspicam. My solution was to have PM2 monitor the Motion process and restart it whenever it would hang. The process would occasionally hang when writing to the memory card, but I’m not sure if that’s the problem in your case.
Anyhow, between PM2 monitoring the Motion process and restarting it when necessary and a scheduled reboot every morning at 2AM, it haven’t had the white screen problem in months.
How do you monitoring this process? Do you have an example script for it?
Not exactly sure if it helps, but you might try this module:
@Sillec123 I followed the steps in the Autostarting Magic Mirror tutorial. It was trivial to add the motion startup script to the list of processes for PM2.