Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
New and confused.
Hi, i’m new to all of this and as a builder, so far removed from this kind of thing i’m almost coming back on it.
I have started a magic mirror project and have the following items;
Raspberry pi 3 (with 32gb noobs card - loaded and running)
Raspberry pi camera V2
Usb mic
various connectors/extenders etc ( to sit in the frame of the mirror
two-way mirror (using 2-way film and 2mm picture glass -works good).
Samsung LH40DMEPLGC Public display monitor.
Now…i have managed to get the frame built etc (as a builder this is my bread and butter :-)) and have the pi camera and mic set up. i’ve managed to get Alexa up and running on it (but that was a step by step simplistic tutorial) BUT, i
closed the terminals (i didn’t know what else i was supposed to do, thought it would jsut run in the background and come back on when i switched the Pi back on…it didn’t :-(
Anyhoo, i have so many questions and i’d love to complete this little project in time for my wifes return from her jollies in a couple of weeks time. However, the coding etc is baffling me…- I’m assuming a module is just a name for software/programme.
- I thought Magic Mirror was the generic name given to the concept of a screen behind a mirror with info on display
- What is the Magic Mirror module, what does it do and how do i install it (does it go after the green text in the terminal screen? Can i copy and paste it to there?
- What is … VNC (allows access from another laptop on same network???), SSH (secure shell - services over secure network),API (a set of functions for apps), am i close???
- How do i ‘clone a repository’???
- What is custom CSS
- What is config.js and where do i find it, what do i then do with it ??? :-)))
- When i paste some code (as i did when installing Alexa), how do i save it so when i switch off the Pi, everything i’ve just done, isn’t lost?
The gist of it is that i’d like to have a mirror showing the date, weather and linked to google calendar or the like (to show up coming birthdays etc), but i’d like this to ‘float’ to prevent screen burn.
I’d also like to be able to play music from the net or tell Alexa to search and play a particular tune etc and be able to put the monitor to sleep and wake up using a voice command ('ive seen a video with a description, but it was like quantum physics to me, as it was mentioning the acronyms above and config files etc etc etc and assuming that the person watching would have at least a basic grasp of coding …I DON’T :-)))))))))…did i mention, i’m a builder :-))
Sorry for the ‘novel’ but i’d love to try and get my lastest ‘TOY’ up and running properly. Thank you.
Mykle1 Project Sponsor Module Developerlast edited by Mykle1 Jun 19, 2017, 9:30 PM Jun 19, 2017, 9:19 PM
@mickyas said in New and confused.:
Sorry for the ‘novel’ but i’d love to try and get my lastest ‘TOY’ up and running properly. Thank you.
No worries, Mick.
So, you haven’t installed the MagicMirror software yet? Is that correct?
Most of the things that you are asking about will become evident as you go through the process of installation and setting up your mirror. Try not to get ahead of yourself. It does become easier and your understanding will come along with each step that you take. If you reach a hurdle that you cannot pass, post a question and you’ll usually get answers pretty quickly.
Enjoy the process
Thanks for the quick response Mykle 1. No i have not installed Magic Mirror ( i didn’t know it was software, just thought it was a generic term for all mirrors with a screen behind them :-)))). I’ve tried but no idea what, where or how to. :-(((
Ok, Mick. All is well. You do have some work ahead of you but this complete setup guide will get you on your way. Again, if you get stuck, don’t hesitate to ask a question.
Thanks Mykle 1,
I’d already done most of that (trial and error), up to Section 4 (cleaning and updating…) although the screenshots were completely different to what i was seeing on my TV when i had the Pi3 hooked up.
In the MM install do i need to reconfigure the pi software to display in portrait (as the samsung monitor i’m using has a built in function to be viewed in landscape or portrait)?
As stated in my original post, i’ve managed to work out how to get Alexa operational but how do i ‘save’ this so that it starts again when i switch on the pi instead of losing it altogether when i switch off? Thanks for your help, really is appreciated by this aged learner :-))))))
Mick -
@mickyas said in New and confused.:
In the MM install do i need to reconfigure the pi software to display in portrait (as the samsung monitor i’m using has a built in function to be viewed in landscape or portrait)?
No, you don’t have to do that at all. Some people have made their mirrors in landscape view. It’s a matter of preference.
As stated in my original post, i’ve managed to work out how to get Alexa operational but how do i ‘save’ this so that it starts again when i switch on the pi instead of losing it altogether when i switch off? Thanks for your help, really is appreciated by this aged learner :-))))))
I’m not really sure what you are asking me. Do you want the mirror software to load automatically upon booting? Are you losing your Alexa setup? I’m not familiar with Alexa at all but we can surely find out.
@Mykle1 Yes, once i’ve entered all of the code etc and have Alexa up and running (with the 3 terminal screens open as instructed), it’s all good until i switched off, unplug or close the terminals, then i lose everything and i have to start all over again. I’d like Alexa to remain on the PI 3 so that when i make my mirror fully operational (frame, monitor, wiring harness etc), and i put it all into ‘standyby’, i don’t lose it all.
Mick -
OOPS…having a play around and managed to get the Magic Mirror up and running :-)))) BUT i changed the screen configuration/layout and changed it to portrait…how do i undo it??? :-))))))))))) Also is there a way to change the 'compliments and to have the weather widget etc 'floating around the screen instead of being static??? Thanks
Mick -
I don’t believe that it is possible to have the compliments floating around. If you take a peek here: can see color coded regions for where the modules are allowed to be displayed. You (or someone else) could always change the code to possibly rotate which region the module is displayed but I think that may lead to other problems.
Also, check out here for how to rotate the screen orientation: used that guide to change mine to landscape and to disable the screensaver (which i recommend).
@mickyas said in New and confused.:
I’d like Alexa to remain on the PI 3 so that when i make my mirror fully operational (frame, monitor, wiring harness etc), and i put it all into ‘standyby’, i don’t lose it all.
There must be a way to save your Alexa state so that it reloads on reboot/restart. However, I’ve never used Alexa. It would be best if you created a new topic in “Troubleshooting”, naming it, “How to save the state of Alexa?” and describe your problem there. This way the question will be seen by everyone instead of being lost in this topic