Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Electron CPU usage
My hardware is also BCM2835 revision a02082 , just like Snille. I have another micro SD I think floating around somewhere in my house, I’ll try and do a clean install of rapsian stretch lite on it tomorrow and use the auto install script on that and see how that goes. Fingers crossed I just got a crappy SD card or something.
@wtidwell said in Electron CPU usage:
Fingers crossed I just got a crappy SD card or something.
How did you make out? I’ve been thinking about this issue since you started the topic. I did quite a bit of googling and there are a number of instances where people had trouble (not with MM) with performance, and heat. In many cases, those people determined that their Pi’s were faulty, after much time, frustration and troubleshooting. In those cases, they had their Pi’s replaced and the problem was solved.
I hope the new SD solves your problem but I have my doubts about that. Please keep me informed and good luck.
Well I ordered a new pi 3 on Amazon and did a fresh install it’s the same thing all over again. Every time the text changes on magic mirror it maxes out my cpu. And it’s starting to overheat as well and I didn’t even change any overclock settings.Quite infuriating honestly. I don’t know what I’ll try next.
Mykle1 Project Sponsor Module Developerlast edited by Mykle1 Aug 25, 2017, 12:08 AM Aug 25, 2017, 12:04 AM
@wtidwell said in Electron CPU usage:
Quite infuriating honestly. I don’t know what I’ll try next.
Oh man, that sucks. I’m sorry to hear that. I’m at a lost here. Really, there is no logical reason for that to happen
My last ditch effort is to try a new SD card. The card it came with is a SanDisk 32gb card and it’s just a plain black card and I have this otherone which is a SanDisk ultra 32gb card so maybe that does something. -
I am certainly rooting for you! I think there was/is a walk-through on preparing the SD card, formatting and such, although I don’t remember where. It’s been a long time.
The best of luck to you. Please keep me posted
Just to rule out one more variable: the pi 3 should be fine running at 1080p yes? -
Mykle1 Project Sponsor Module Developerlast edited by Mykle1 Aug 25, 2017, 12:26 AM Aug 25, 2017, 12:24 AM
@wtidwell said in Electron CPU usage:
Just to rule out one more variable: the pi 3 should be fine running at 1080p yes?
Here is my res on an old HP monitor. That’s using the DVI interface. It does not have HDMI.
@wtidwell Yeah I don’t use those plain black sd cards I buy the more expensive ones because of the issues.
@wtidwell said in Electron CPU usage:
I have this otherone which is a SanDisk ultra 32gb card so maybe that does something.
I looked to see what SD card is in my Pi but all I could come up with is the wrapper it came in. I bought one of those CanaKit’s with everything included. I don’t want to take my mirror down if I don’t have to, sorry.