Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Mykle1 Project Sponsor Module Developerlast edited by Mykle1 Aug 26, 2017, 11:52 PM Aug 26, 2017, 11:51 PM
@Fonfon said in MMM-Lunartic:
Now is good
Please do this one as well
“waxing”: “croissance”, “waxing gibbous”:“Glacier”, “full”: “plein”, “wanning gibbous”:“lune gibbeuse décroissante”, “third quarter”: “troisième quart”, “waning crescent”:“Croissant décroissant”, “new”: “Nouveau”, “waxing crescent”:“Croissant de cire”, “first quarter”:“premier quart”
I think that’s it
@Mykle1 said in MMM-Lunartic:@Fonfon said in MMM-Lunartic:
Now is good
Please do this one as well
“waxing”: “croissante”, “waxing gibbous”:“Gibbeuse croissante”, “full”: “pleine”, “wanning gibbous”:“Gibbeuse décroissante”, “third quarter”: “troisième quartier”, “waning crescent”:“Croissante”, “new”: “Nouvelle”, “waxing crescent”:“Décroissante”, “first quarter”:“premier quartier”
@Fonfon said in MMM-Lunartic:
I think that’s it
Thank you again. I’ll add that to the module right now
A special Thank You to @Fonfon for his English to French translation for this module. Bravo!
Mykle1 Project Sponsor Module Developerlast edited by Mykle1 Aug 27, 2017, 12:21 AM Aug 27, 2017, 12:21 AM
Also, a special Thank You to @cowboysdude for his help and guidance on implementing translations within the module.
Mykle1 Project Sponsor Module Developerlast edited by Mykle1 Aug 27, 2017, 12:30 AM Aug 27, 2017, 12:29 AM
In the unlikely event that someone else is interested in translating this module to their own language, simply substitute your language translation on the right, replacing the French translation INSIDE the quotes. I will gladly add it to the module.
{ "Distance from Earth's core = ": "Distance du noyau terrestre = ", "Distance from sun = ": "Distance du soleil = ", "The next full moon is ": "Prochaine pleine lune: ", "The next new moon is ": "Prochaine nouvelle lune: ", "The current moon is ": "La lune actuelle a ", "The moon is ": "La lune a ", "% illuminated": "% illuminée", " days old": " jours", "waxing": " croissance", "waning": "décroissante", "waxing": "croissante", "waxing gibbous":"Gibbeuse croissante", "full": "pleine", "wanning gibbous":"Gibbeuse décroissante", "third quarter": "troisième quartier", "waning crescent":"Croissante", "new": "Nouvelle", "waxing crescent":"Décroissante", "first quarter":"premier quartier", "When the Moon hits your eye . . .": "Quand la lune frappe votre œil. . ." }
Up to the minute information about our Lunar partner, with a splash of EyeCandy, to boot!
Now with French translation. Other languages to follow, upon request.
Version 1.0.1
Hi !
module work great but small mistakes
here is the perfect french translation.Distance from Earth’s core = ": "Distance du noyau terrestre = ",
"Distance from sun = ": "Distance du soleil = ",
"The next full moon is ": "Prochaine pleine lune: ",
"The next new moon is ": "Prochaine nouvelle lune: ",
"The current moon is ": "La lune actuelle est a ",
"The moon is “: “La lune est “,
“% illuminated”: “% illuminée”,
" days old”: " jours”,
“waxing”: " croissante”,
“waning”: “décroissante”,
“When the Moon hits your eye . . .”: “Quand la lune frappe votre œil. . .”
}Other question the text is not perfectly under the animated picture but a little on the left.
is it possible to modify that ?thanks Mykle1 ;)
@Fonfon said in MMM-Lunartic:
Other question the text is not perfectly under the animated picture but a little on the left.
is it possible to modify that ?Good morning Fonfon,
Take a look at the MMM-Lunartic.css file in your MMM-Lunartic folder. There you can change the color and positioning of every line of the module. You can also change the position of the animated picture, up, down, left, right. Ideally, you should copy and paste those entries into your custom.css file and do the editing there.
Take a screenshot of the module, post it here, and tell me what you want to achieve.
By default, all the text is aligned to the left
text-align: left;
. If you want to center the text under the animated picture, simply change all thetext-align: left;
totext-align: center;