Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
@kruemel The module is configured to use the full width of the containing region (e.g.:
) up to a maximum of 500px. If you want it to be narrower, then you can add a rule in yourcustom.css
file to control the width of the containers. For example, I have this in mycustom.css
file:.region.right .module-content, .region.left .module-content { min-width: 300px; max-width: 300px; }
This limits
to an explicit width of 300px. MMM-MyCalendar, MMM-MyCommute and any of my other modules will conform to this width. -
@j-e-f-f Okay thank you very much.
I will do it like this but i still want to understand why the “MyCalendar” streches so much with no text and your other module “MyCommute” doesnt?
Why you configured this differently? -
@kruemel HTML is a funny thing. It can use space in all sorts of ways depending on the situation. In the case of the MMM-MyCalendar module, it is a modification of the default calendar, but generally it is much the same. Its layout is done with tables. MMM-MyCommute, on the other hand, is completely written from the ground up. It’s layout is made up of DIV and SPAN elements, fully styled and positioned with CSS. They are two different animals.
Hello everyone, do you know how i can add my google calender to my mirror please ??
@PCPAYN3 It works the same way you would do it for the default calendar module.
Config details here: are more or less identical to configuring the default calendar: only tricky part is getting the ics link for your google calendar. See here for instructions: hope this helps!
- Jeff
@j-e-f-f thank you :-)
@j.e.f.f Thank you I will look into this.
@j.e.f.f I have tried to set this up and all I’m getting on the screen is the time & date at the top and then calendar loading ??
@PCPAYN3 are you trying to set up up your google calendar? Do you have the .ics link for it?