Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
@ATibbs I’m the author of the calendar-integration fork. It’s quite old but works stable enough for myself. OP has a very valid issue with it, in that it uses up a lot of API calls if you have many events refreshing often - so be careful to limit the showcalendarevents to a low value. I have it running with 3 events shown and haven’t had an API limit issue in many months of use.
I’ll take a look at upstream changes and update/rebase the fork to the current master, to keep it up to date and compatible.
@olexs Thanks for putting the work in, you did a great job. I too have showcalendarevents set to 3 and everything seems to be running fine. Thanks again.
@olexs Thanks a lot for that fork – it’s exactly what I needed for the mirror!
@j.e.f.f does this modules in Malaysia? Because i keep on getting syntax error so the config cannot be validated
@aishaamila I don’t see why it wouldn’t. Does google maps work for you just in your browser?
If you can’t figure it out PM me and I’ll help you troubleshoot.
Not sure everybody is aware of this but today when i was trying to deploy the module and then getting the APi i found out that Google now is requesting a billing account. Even has a $200 limit for use per month. Do you guys know if this is per project or per account? If so anybody recently created an account for this module? any hints will be appreciated.
Annoyingly enough, this is correct. Google is changing their Maps API access, and billing now needs to be set up for all uses of the API - including free tier. The 200$ limit is their free allowance, as long as you stay under that you don’t pay anything at all. Using only MMM-MyCommute should not even come close to that. But you still have to provide billing information, even if it’s never going to be used.
I have updated my account and project that I use for MMM-MyCommute, and it works just fine.
@olexs yes. I read their last FAQ and basically its is what you said. Sorry if this sound stupid but, when you said MM-Commute should not come close to the allowance limit, do you mean that even if i have one project for em and my wife should not cost me a billing headache? I mean if i do something like this.
@alexny007 Unless you have many (dozens) instances of the module running on the same account, it will stay far below the 200$ free tier limit, and it won’t cost you anything.
@olexs Thank you!!! looking forward to experiment with this module.