Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Magic Mirror runs twice on boot
I followed this guide to set up my MagicMirror on a Raspberry Pi 3B+
I get 2 instances of magic mirror that run every time. any way to remove one of them?
Are your instances mm, and the other, MagicMirror ?
Here is how to delete one, but the choice is yours.
pm2 stop mm
pm2 delete mm
pm2 save
rm ~/
Then check your instances again
They are both labeled MagicMIrror2 and they both will automatically re-start if I quit them with CTRL+Q.
I think I fixed this. There was a file called in the home directory, I moved it to the trash and I only see one instance now. I’m guessing there is something already starting Magic Mirror someplace else?
Not sure. I am new to all this, but that is what I did and it works now. Thanks for the help.