Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Same behavior with my mirror.
After latest MMM-NOAA update my MMM-CalendarExt doesn‘t work anymore. No errors in logs.
I was forced to deactivate NOAA. :( -
I installed MMM-NOAA V2.0 just now, but the lines necessary in the config.js struck me as being too little.
No ‘position’, etc, just the api’s.
I read that it takes:language: “en”,
timeFormat: 24,
units: “metric”,from the config.js, but then still I am missing info like ‘location’, ‘locationID’, etc.
How does it know which city to take ?
What weather information is currently displayed ? England due to “en” ? :-)In github I read:
“In this new Version you can select up to 3 different weather locations like in this example.”
but I fail to see this.
Could you please provide me with a correct config.js entry for this otherwise good looking module ??
And refuses to give me api (does not send me the confirmation mail), but that not a fault of the module.
Best regards,
Mykle1 Project Sponsor Module Developerlast edited by Mykle1 Jun 18, 2018, 2:54 AM Jun 18, 2018, 2:53 AM
This is from the readme.
{ disabled: false, module: 'MMM-NOAA', position: 'top_right', config: { apiKey: "YOUR API KEY", // select the middle plan... airKey: "YOUR API KEY", // IF you want Air Quality Index pws: "KNYELMIR13", // go here to find your pws: } },
And this is mine
{ disabled: false, module: 'MMM-NOAA', position: 'top_left', config: { apiKey: "MY API KEY", // select the middle plan... airKey: "MY AIR KEY", // IF you want Air Quality Index pws1: "KNYNEWYO103", // go here to find your pws: animationSpeed: 0, } },
@evroom Yes that used to be true…the readme is wrong, sorry. The old weather used to be wunderground and since they quit their free api I had to use a different provider and it works for one location only.
There is no longer a need to use “PWS”…as the new api doesn’t use that. That’s an old wunderground requirement.
At the moment this is all that’s required to make it work…
{ disabled: false, module: 'MMM-NOAA', position: 'top_left', config: { apiKey: "xxxxxx", airKey: "xxxxx" } },
I am also working to eliminate the airKey in that version…
Thanks for answering (@Mykle1 too).
It is working, with just the apiKey in the config, but where does it take the location from?
You say it works for one location only, is that a location I can determine, or is it a location that is hard coded somewhere?
I like the temperatures it is showing, but is the weather I can expect in my location? :-) -
Ok, my bad on my previous answer. My apologies. :-/
At the risk of answering in error again, I will say that the module determines your location (geo-location or some such)
@evroom It automatically gets the latitude and longitude and uses that :)
Okay, I see it uses to determine latitude and longitude.
It is depending on the proxy server in use.
I am at work now (in Germany) and I see my proxy server is located in Paris, France right now.
Will try it at home to see for which location the weather is presented on my MM. -
It appears to use the data from the proxy provider.
In my case the latitude and longitude are 67 kilometres away from my real location.
Also the “city” does not correspond with the “lat” and “lon” when I look them up in Google Maps.
Probably the “city” is from my provider and the “lat” and “lon” from the proxy server of that provider.
Therefore I decided to give MMM-YrThen a try, which looks nice.
Sorry to the persons that put so much efford in MMM-NOAA. -
there should be the possibility to set the lat and lon yourself, maybe someone is also interested in a weather at a different location. Only if no lat lon was provided you should try to get it via this ip api provider