Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-NOAA - Another Weather Module
@cowboysdude said in MMM-NOAA - Another Weather Module:
did you go a pull request to fix it?
Uhhh, no. Haha. I went to do it but it appears you already corrected it.
@mykle1 That’s right LOL
This is an awesome weather module! Just set mine up and using Darksky as my weather source. I have set my update interval to 30 min, which (unless I am being a div) would mean 24 a updates day and 700 or so a month. Monitoring my DarkSky console I am currently updating 45-50 times a day.
{ module: "MMM-NOAA3", position: "top_right", config: { provider: "darksky", apiKey: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", // From one of the providers listed above airKey: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", css: "NOAA3", // THIS MUST CONTAIN A CSS STYLE NAME updateInterval: 30 * 60 * 1000, userlat: "49.238941", //MUST HAVE BOTH userlon: "-121.765883" //MUST HAVE BOTH } },
Is the above correct from a configuration perspective? Have I missed something?
Thanks in advance!
@doogy_rev said in MMM-NOAA - Another Weather Module:
Have I missed something?
Math class, apparently. ;-)
Every 30 minutes would be 48 calls a day, and in a 30 day month, 1440 calls
Haha, yes you are right. What an utter putz I am 🙈
Don’t be too hard on yourself. We all make mistakes. :thumbsup:
@epi said in MMM-NOAA - Another Weather Module:
Did someone managed to change css to make this module look more like this?
What you’re describing looks alot like the default weather module. Go figure.
Maybe someone did but it certainly wasn’t me… but feel free to play with the css if you’d like.
Stay tuned I’ve modified Sean’s MMM-WeatherBackground to work with NOAA3 :) Working out some bugs but should be released soon!