Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
[MMM-RTSPStream] - Video Streaming from Live Feeds & Security Cameras
Thanks to @sean I’ve quickly fixed the RTSP issue by applying what he wrote here.
So if you are like me using both MMM-RTSPStream and MMM-AssistantMk2, open the config and in the MMM-AssistantMk2 module section replace
config: {
config: { onIdle: { timer: 1000*10, //After 10sec of last query, command: "RTSP_ACTIVATE" }, onActivate: { timer: 0, command: "RTSP_DEACTIVATE" }, command: { "RTSP_ACTIVATE": { notificationExec: { notification: "RTSP-PLAY", payload: "all" } }, "RTSP_DEACTIVATE": { notificationExec: { notification: "RTSP-STOP", payload: "all" } }, },
That way the stream will NEVER stop even if enquiring Google Assistant! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
Thank you @shbatm for willing to help me too.
Frankly said, it might not be due to my config modifying suggestion. (Because IT SHOULD PAUSE AND RESUME, but you said NEVER STOP)
I think it is due to use HDMI as output. I don’t know about it, but it might be able to mix from multi-sources. -
@sean yeah I actually forgot to mention that the RTSP outputs to HDMI while Google Assistant outputs to a RPI Voice HAT speaker. :grimacing_face:
@cr4z33 said in [MMM-RTSPStream] - Video Streaming from Live Feeds & Security Cameras:
yeah I actually forgot to mention that the RTSP outputs to HDMI while Google Assistant outputs to a RPI Voice HAT speaker.
That’s how it works. not by my code. :D
@sean of course. :winking_face:
To everybody else: I removed the white frame and forgot to ask how to move the streaming windows.
It is now offset compared to its module position. :confused_face:
I guess I need to edit something in
.MMM-RTSPStream .canvas { position: absolute; z-index: 1; left: 50%; top: 50%; /*width: 352px; height: 240px;*/ -webkit-transform: translate(-50%, -50%); transform: translate(-50%, -50%); width: 100%; height: 100%; }
@cr4z33 said in [MMM-RTSPStream] - Video Streaming from Live Feeds & Security Cameras:
It is now offset compared to its module position.
Play with the
config options. Search this forum for those and check out the README on GitHub for details of what each one does. -
@barnosch Are you getting any console.log errors or PM2 errors?
I tried playing with absPosition, but it does not do what is expected.
First of all:
absPosition: This overrides the automatic window and moduleOffset settings.
Second of all:
Format: { top: XX, right: XX, bottom: XX, left: XX } where XX is the pixel position on the screen.
This is not quite true.
The omxplayer options say: --win ‘x1 y1 x2 y2’
This would translate to: { top: XX, left: XX, right: XX, bottom: XX }
In principle it is a rectangular with coordinates (x1,y1) - (x2,y2).But most important:
Whatever I do, including the module position, the video window is ALWAYS in the center of the screen, for the FULL width of the screen.
I will try playing with the other parameters a bit.
You can move the streaming window using
moduleOffset: { left: XX, top: YY },
left: plus value shifts right, minus value shifts left
top: plus value shifts down, minus value shifts upThe width and height value in the stream config determines the streaming window size.
The name moduleOffset is IMHO a bit misleading, as it does not move the module window.
I still fail to see the connection between the module position (e.g. “top_left”, “top_right”, “bottom_left”, etc) and the position of the streaming window.
The streaming window always appears in the middle.
Except when I use “top_bar” or “bottom_bar”. -
My MMM-RTSPStream module comes last.
So the first modules may shift this module down and therefore my streaming window appears to be always located in the middle.
In principle I want to have it in the middle, so I leave it there.
I made sure that MMM-RTSPStream is the only one using “middle_center”.The module position will determine where the module window is being placed.
Exactly where is determined by the main.css and perhaps changes in the custom.css.This is what the main.css does to “middle_center”, as example: { width: 100%; text-align: center; -moz-transform: translateY(-50%); -o-transform: translateY(-50%); -webkit-transform: translateY(-50%); -ms-transform: translateY(-50%); transform: translateY(-50%); }
For “middle_center” I changed my custom.css like this, for example: { width: 60%; }
This overrules the width in the main.css.
[I have my monitor in portrait mode (900x1600) and have 2 columns of 60% + 40%]The moduleWidth and moduleHeight determine the size of your module and how other module will wrap around it.
The moduleOffset will move the streaming window relative to the module window.The stream1 width and hight determine the streaming window size.
When sized bigger than the module window, it will simply use this bigger size.
It will even will cover other modules when too big, those modules will not wrap around it.This config works for me:
{ module: "MMM-RTSPStream", disabled: false, position: "middle_center", header: "Axis Security Monitor", config: { autoStart: true, rotateStreams: false, moduleWidth: 590, moduleHeight: 332,. // moduleOffset: { left: 0, top: 0}, localPlayer: 'omxplayer', remotePlayer: 'none', showSnapWhenPaused: false, remoteSnaps: false, stream1: { name: 'Axis_M2026_LE_MkII', url: 'rtsp://user:password@', width: 590, height: 332 },
$ pm2 logs mm
you can check the streaming window parameters:
0|mm | Starting stream stream1 with args: [ 0|mm | "--avdict", 0|mm | "rtsp_transport:tcp", 0|mm | "--win", 0|mm | "-2, 656, 588, 988", 0|mm | "--no-osd", 0|mm | "--live", 0|mm | "--video_queue", 0|mm | "4", 0|mm | "--fps", 0|mm | "30", 0|mm | "rtsp://user:password@" 0|mm | ]
I have changed my custom config like this:
.MMM-RTSPStream header { text-align: left; } .MMM-RTSPStream .innerWrapper { border-style: none; //border: 1px solid red; }
I used solid red in order to see the position of the module window more clear.
Be sure to use
cd ~/MagicMirror; npm run config:check
to check the config for errors before restarting mm, it will save you from obvious mistakes.
Those are my findings, for me the settings work, perhaps it will help other users.