Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
[MMM-RTSPStream] - Video Streaming from Live Feeds & Security Cameras
Have now made everything new. Raspe new SD card new. MagicMirror Software nue and RTSP module made new. I had 2 cameras. That ran for a few hours and then a camera picture was black, although PM2 status was online. After rebooting everything went again for a few hours.
have omxRestart set to 2 hours in both cameras that did not help synonymous.
Raspberry Pi 3 RTSP Stream Viewer
Now I’ve configured according to the instructions and this is stable for 3 days. Is independent of Magicmirror running in the foreground.
have a Raspi and there runs Raspberry Pi 3 RTSP Stream Viewer with 4 cameras for 5 days very stable. I also tested on Raspi zero, and it worked. -
@shbatm I’ve sent you the config link by private chat. ;)
Honestly I don’t want to use MMM-Remote-Control or other solutions but voice control in the end so no I didn’t try.
All I can say is that the issue happens with whatever source I use and the chosen (wrong) stream is ALWAYS random.
If using VLC multiple streams start at the same time while if using OMXplayer a single (wrong) stream is selected.
Last thing I am using your dev version of the module.You should get the issue if using the same config and modules. :slightly_smiling_face:
I recommend in your custom.css file:
.MMM-RTSPStream .innerWrapper {
border: 0;
}No more border. :)
i try to use develop branch module with vlc and it works fine but one thing.It crashes after an hour or so ,my Gassist (google assistant) that is running at the same pi.My noobish explanation is that vlc module is taking over mic after some time .If i turn off (comment at config.js) the module ,everything work fine for days.
@costascontis Interesting… I have the same issue with the RTSP feed cutting out as soon as I activate the Google Assistant (MMM-AssistantMk2). Not sure whether it’s triggered by the mic, my guess is that it’s related to the screen output part of the MMM-AssistantMk2 module.
@shbatm I’ve sent you yesterday a private message with everything you asked me.
Did you find in it anything helpful to fix the issue? :)
@kasperb should be working as intended then.
If not pausing when there’s ie. a streaming playing with audio it could then insert unwanted words into a voice command therefore resulting into a not understandable (by Google Assistant) command.
@cr4z33 That’s a good point. Should the stream come back up after a few minutes? Right now, I have to refresh the browser (using mmm-remotecontrol) in order for the feed to restart.
@kasperb I actually added some code parts in the voice command module as per suggestion of its developer.
If you’re using MMM-AssistantMk2 then I can tell you what to do (not if using other modules). :)