Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Contribute to a module. Volunteers wanted! Easy!
n1016 - Moers, Germany
n957 - Duisburg, Germany
n973 - Krefeld, Germany
n2011 - Mülheim/Ruhr, Germany…yes, with an ü!
Now you’re in a fine mess… hehe! :face_with_stuck-out_tongue_closed_eyes:
Mykle1 Project Sponsor Module Developerlast edited by Mykle1 Jan 23, 2019, 3:20 AM Jan 23, 2019, 3:19 AM
@lavolp3 said in Contribute to a module. Volunteers wanted! Easy!:
Now you’re in a fine mess… hehe!
Story of my life! :thumbsup:
Added your codes to the readme.
n26 - Greece - Athens
n94 Central America
@rmonteroc said in Contribute to a module. Volunteers wanted! Easy!:
n94 Central America
I have added this to the readme of the module, giving you credit as a contributor.
Thanks mate! :thumbsup:
@Mykle1 n111 South Africa - Johannesburg
I have added this to the readme of the module, giving you credit as a contributor.
Thanks mate! :thumbsup:
@BKeyport said in Contribute to a module. Volunteers wanted! Easy!:
Most of the location numbers for major cities are actually in the source code for the webpage, just an FYI. Point people to the webpage for closer details.
Indeed, did you want more than in their source? You could probably scrape every one if needed.
n113 Afghanistan - Kabul n284 Albania - Tirana n14 Algeria - Algiers n686 Andorra - Andorra La Vella n138 Angola - Luanda n688 Antigua and Barbuda - Saint John's n51 Argentina - Buenos Aires n485 Argentina - Córdoba - Córdoba n370 Armenia - Yerevan n57 Australia - Australian Capital Territory - Canberra n240 Australia - New South Wales - Sydney n929 Australia - Northern Territory - Alice Springs n72 Australia - Northern Territory - Darwin n47 Australia - Queensland - Brisbane n927 Australia - Queensland - Cairns n5 Australia - South Australia - Adelaide n396 Australia - Tasmania - Hobart n152 Australia - Victoria - Melbourne n1980 Australia - Western Australia - Eucla n196 Australia - Western Australia - Perth n259 Austria - Vienna - Vienna n369 Azerbaijan - Baku n173 Bahamas - Nassau n15 Bahrain - Manama n73 Bangladesh - Dhaka n46 Barbados - Bridgetown n285 Belarus - Minsk n48 Belgium - Brussels - Brussels n36 Belize - Belmopan n203 Benin - Porto Novo n38 Bermuda - Hamilton n690 Bhutan - Thimphu n124 Bolivia - La Paz n1888 Bolivia - Sucre n691 Bosnia-Herzegovina - Sarajevo n86 Botswana - Gaborone n752 Brazil - Acre - Rio Branco n144 Brazil - Amazonas - Manaus n222 Brazil - Bahia - Salvador n491 Brazil - Ceará - Fortaleza n45 Brazil - Distrito Federal - Brasilia n446 Brazil - Pará - Belém n209 Brazil - Pernambuco - Recife n213 Brazil - Rio de Janeiro - Rio de Janeiro n233 Brazil - São Paulo - São Paulo n932 British Indian Ocean Territory - Diego Garcia n693 Brunei - Bandar Seri Begawan n238 Bulgaria - Sofia n186 Burkina Faso - Ouagadougou n52 Burundi - Bujumbura n3446 Burundi - Gitega n685 Cabo Verde - Praia n199 Cambodia - Phnom Penh n267 Cameroon - Yaoundé n55 Canada - Alberta - Calgary n80 Canada - Alberta - Edmonton n256 Canada - British Columbia - Vancouver n265 Canada - Manitoba - Winnipeg n749 Canada - New Brunswick - Saint John n1137 Canada - Newfoundland and Labrador - Happy Valley-Goose Bay n4880 Canada - Newfoundland and Labrador - Mary's Harbour n175 Canada - Newfoundland and Labrador - St. John's n1145 Canada - Northwest Territories - Inuvik n678 Canada - Northwest Territories - Yellowknife n286 Canada - Nova Scotia - Halifax n3368 Canada - Nunavut - Alert n1157 Canada - Nunavut - Baker Lake n1160 Canada - Nunavut - Coral Harbour n3764 Canada - Nunavut - Eureka n3801 Canada - Nunavut - Grise Fiord n1164 Canada - Nunavut - Pond Inlet n2380 Canada - Nunavut - Resolute Bay n188 Canada - Ontario - Ottawa n250 Canada - Ontario - Toronto n1922 Canada - Quebec - Blanc-Sablon n2438 Canada - Quebec - Chibougamau n3768 Canada - Quebec - Kuujjuaq n165 Canada - Quebec - Montréal n189 Canada - Quebec - Québec n210 Canada - Saskatchewan - Regina n679 Canada - Yukon - Whitehorse n377 Cayman Islands - George Town n694 Central African Republic - Bangui n174 Chad - N'Djamena n914 Chile - Easter Island n574 Chile - Punta Arenas n232 Chile - Santiago n33 China - Beijing Municipality - Beijing n470 China - Chongqing Municipality - Chongqing n1232 China - Guangdong - Shenzhen n2148 China - Jiangsu - Suzhou n237 China - Shanghai Municipality - Shanghai n918 China - Tibet - Lhasa n655 China - Xinjiang - Ürümqi n41 Colombia - Bogota n696 Comoros - Moroni n926 Congo - Brazzaville n121 Congo Dem. Rep. - Kinshasa n139 Congo Dem. Rep. - Lubumbashi n279 Cook Islands - Rarotonga n225 Costa Rica - San Jose n1 Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) - Abidjan n935 Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) - Yamoussoukro n281 Croatia - Zagreb n99 Cuba - Havana n680 Cyprus - Nicosia n204 Czech Republic - Prague n69 Denmark - Copenhagen n697 Djibouti - Djibouti n698 Dominica - Roseau n230 Dominican Republic - Santo Domingo n915 Ecuador - Galapagos Islands n93 Ecuador - Guayaquil n190 Ecuador - Quito n53 Egypt - Cairo n228 El Salvador - San Salvador n699 Equatorial Guinea - Malabo n700 Eritrea - Asmara n242 Estonia - Tallinn n149 eSwatini - Mbabane n7 Ethiopia - Addis Ababa n630 Falkland Islands - Stanley n701 Faroe Islands - Tórshavn n82 Fiji - Suva n101 Finland - Helsinki n3718 Finland - Kemi n1401 Finland - Rovaniemi n195 France - Île-de-France - Paris n61 French Guiana - Cayenne n278 French Polynesia - Tahiti - Papeete n3658 French Southern Territories - Amsterdam Island n397 French Southern Territories - Port-aux-Francais n129 Gabon - Libreville n30 Gambia - Banjul n371 Georgia - Tbilisi n37 Germany - Berlin - Berlin n83 Germany - Hesse - Frankfurt n4 Ghana - Accra n89 Gibraltar - Gibraltar n26 Greece - Athens n2114 Greenland - Danmarkshavn n705 Greenland - Ittoqqortoormiit n4217 Greenland - Kangerlussuaq n703 Greenland - Nuuk n3724 Greenland - Qaanaaq n704 Greenland - Thule Air Base n706 Grenada - Saint George's n707 Guadeloupe - Basse-Terre n91 Guam - Hagåtña n94 Guatemala - Guatemala City n67 Guinea - Conakry n40 Guinea-Bissau - Bissau n88 Guyana - Georgetown n709 Haiti - Port-au-Prince n245 Honduras - Tegucigalpa n102 Hong Kong - Hong Kong n50 Hungary - Budapest n211 Iceland - Reykjavik n1040 India - Bihar - Patna n771 India - Delhi - Delhi n176 India - Delhi - New Delhi n1039 India - Gujarat - Surat n438 India - Karnataka - Bangalore n1892 India - Kerala - Thiruvananthapuram n1041 India - Madhya Pradesh - Indore n44 India - Maharashtra - Mumbai n1038 India - Maharashtra - Pune n1042 India - Odisha - Bhubaneshwar n4498 India - Punjab - Ahmedgarh n1043 India - Punjab - Ludhiana n553 India - Tamil Nadu - Chennai n1047 India - Tamil Nadu - Madurai n1046 India - Uttar Pradesh - Agra n1045 India - Uttar Pradesh - Varanasi n54 India - West Bengal - Kolkata n761 Indonesia - Bali - Denpasar n631 Indonesia - East Java - Surabaya n434 Indonesia - East Kalimantan - Balikpapan n108 Indonesia - Jakarta Special Capital Region - Jakarta n555 Indonesia - North Sulawesi - Manado n759 Indonesia - Papua - Jayapura n653 Indonesia - South Sulawesi - Makassar n437 Indonesia - West Java - Bandung n2120 Indonesia - West Kalimantan - Pontianak n2436 Indonesia - West Papua - Manokwari n246 Iran - Tehran n27 Iraq - Baghdad n78 Ireland - Dublin n716 Isle of Man - Douglas n110 Israel - Jerusalem n676 Israel - Tel Aviv n157 Italy - Milan n215 Italy - Rome n120 Jamaica - Kingston n540 Japan - Kobe n538 Japan - Kyoto n565 Japan - Nagoya n671 Japan - Osaka n622 Japan - Sapporo n248 Japan - Tokyo n667 Japan - Yokohama n11 Jordan - Amman n382 Kazakhstan - Almaty n916 Kazakhstan - Aqtobe n921 Kazakhstan - Nursultan n2352 Kazakhstan - Oral n170 Kenya - Nairobi n274 Kiribati - Christmas Island - Kiritimati n675 Kiribati - Tarawa n743 Kosovo - Pristina n123 Kuwait - Kuwait City n384 Kyrgyzstan - Bishkek n260 Laos - Vientiane n602 Latvia - Riga n34 Lebanon - Beirut n147 Lesotho - Maseru n161 Liberia - Monrovia n252 Libya - Tripoli n714 Liechtenstein - Vaduz n660 Lithuania - Vilnius n534 Luxembourg - Luxembourg n20 Madagascar - Antananarivo n130 Malawi - Lilongwe n122 Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur - Kuala Lumpur n715 Maldives - Male n29 Mali - Bamako n2328 Mali - Timbuktu n255 Malta - Valletta n717 Marshall Islands - Majuro n718 Martinique - Fort-de-France n183 Mauritania - Nouakchott n201 Mauritius - Port Louis n9 Mexico - Aguascalientes - Aguascalientes n154 Mexico - Baja California - Mexicali n247 Mexico - Baja California - Tijuana n155 Mexico - Ciudad de México - Mexico City n3 Mexico - Guerrero - Acapulco n92 Mexico - Jalisco - Guadalajara n923 Mexico - Quintana Roo - Cancún n148 Mexico - Sinaloa - Mazatlan n503 Mexico - Sonora - Hermosillo n258 Mexico - Veracruz - Veracruz n1072 Micronesia - Pohnpei - Palikir n177 Moldova - Chișinău n674 Monaco - Monaco n950 Mongolia - Hovd n720 Mongolia - Ulaanbaatar n744 Montenegro - Podgorica n60 Morocco - Casablanca n206 Morocco - Rabat n146 Mozambique - Maputo n1981 Myanmar - Naypyidaw n208 Myanmar - Yangon n266 Namibia - Windhoek n276 Nauru - Yaren n117 Nepal - Kathmandu n16 Netherlands - Amsterdam n22 New Zealand - Auckland - Auckland n63 New Zealand - Chatham Islands - Chatham Islands n264 New Zealand - Wellington - Wellington n143 Nicaragua - Managua n180 Niger - Niamey n742 Nigeria - Abuja n125 Nigeria - Lagos n724 Niue - Alofi n205 North Korea - Pyongyang n673 North Macedonia - Skopje n737 Norway - Svalbard - Longyearbyen n187 Norway - Oslo n290 Norway - Tromsø n169 Oman - Muscat n106 Pakistan - Islamabad n757 Pakistan - Sindh - Karachi n756 Pakistan - Lahore n5606 Palau - Ngerulmud n192 Panama - Panama n193 Papua New Guinea - Port Moresby n21 Paraguay - Asuncion n131 Peru - Lima - Lima n145 Philippines - Manila n755 Pitcairn Islands - Adamstown n262 Poland - Warsaw n133 Portugal - Lisbon n271 Portugal - Azores - Ponta Delgada n226 Puerto Rico - San Juan n8 Qatar - Doha n216 Réunion (French) - Saint-Denis n49 Romania - Bucharest n2437 Russia - Arkhangelsk - Belushya Guba n356 Russia - Bashkortostan - Ufa n373 Russia - Chelyabinsk - Chelyabinsk n17 Russia - Chukotka - Anadyr n3795 Russia - Chukotka - Pevek n378 Russia - Irkutsk - Irkutsk n528 Russia - Kaliningrad - Kaliningrad n114 Russia - Kamchatka - Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky n2439 Russia - Khabarovsk - Komsomolsk-on-Amur n3735 Russia - Krasnoyarsk - Khatanga n372 Russia - Krasnoyarsk - Krasnoyarsk n381 Russia - Krasnoyarsk - Norilsk n380 Russia - Magadan - Magadan n166 Russia - Moscow - Moscow n167 Russia - Murmansk - Murmansk n353 Russia - Novgorod - Novgorod n375 Russia - Novosibirsk - Novosibirsk n374 Russia - Omsk - Omsk n357 Russia - Perm - Perm n261 Russia - Primorsky - Vladivostok n352 Russia - Saint Petersburg - Saint-Petersburg n4211 Russia - Sakha (Yakutia) - Srednekolymsk n3769 Russia - Sakha (Yakutia) - Tiksi n3767 Russia - Sakha (Yakutia) - Verkhoyansk n1907 Russia - Sakha (Yakutia) - Yakutsk n1245 Russia - Sakhalin - Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk n355 Russia - Samara - Samara n358 Russia - Sverdlovsk - Yekaterinburg n354 Russia - Tatarstan - Kazan n364 Russia - Udmurtia - Izhevsk n4096 Russia - Zabaykalsky - Chita n119 Rwanda - Kigali n727 Saint Helena - Jamestown n728 Saint Kitts and Nevis - Basseterre n729 Saint Lucia - Castries n731 Saint Vincent and Grenadines - Kingstown n282 Samoa - Apia n732 San Marino - San Marino n733 Sao Tome and Principe - São Tomé n151 Saudi Arabia - Makkah n1942 Saudi Arabia - Medina n214 Saudi Arabia - Riyadh n74 Senegal - Dakar n35 Serbia - Belgrade n734 Seychelles - Victoria n85 Sierra Leone - Freetown n236 Singapore - Singapore n735 Slovakia - Bratislava n736 Slovenia - Ljubljana n273 Solomon Islands - Honiara n160 Somalia - Mogadishu n56 South Africa - Cape Town n111 South Africa - Johannesburg n3401 South Africa - Marion Island (Prince Edward Islands) n269 South Africa - Pretoria n1985 South Georgia/Sandwich Is. - King Edward Point n235 South Korea - Seoul n2171 South Sudan - Juba n31 Spain - Barcelona - Barcelona n141 Spain - Madrid n191 Spain - Majorca - Palma n389 Sri Lanka - Colombo n1925 Sri Lanka - Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte n118 Sudan - Khartoum n194 Suriname - Paramaribo n239 Sweden - Stockholm n270 Switzerland - Bern - Bern n87 Switzerland - Geneva - Geneva n268 Switzerland - Zurich - Zürich n487 Syria - Damascus n241 Taiwan - Taipei n385 Tajikistan - Dushanbe n71 Tanzania - Dar es Salaam n1030 Tanzania - Dodoma n28 Thailand - Bangkok n768 Timor-Leste - Dili n135 Togo - Lomé n738 Tokelau - Fakaofo n277 Tonga - Nukualofa n588 Trinidad and Tobago - Port of Spain n253 Tunisia - Tunis n19 Turkey - Ankara n107 Turkey - Istanbul n387 Turkmenistan - Ashgabat n272 Tuvalu - Funafuti n115 Uganda - Kampala n4060 Ukraine - Dnipropetrovsk - Dnipro n367 Ukraine - Kyiv - Kyiv n366 Ukraine - Odessa - Odesa n2 United Arab Emirates - Abu Dhabi - Abu Dhabi n776 United Arab Emirates - Dubai - Dubai n136 United Kingdom - England - London n919 United Kingdom - Northern Ireland - Belfast n304 United Kingdom - Scotland - Edinburgh n90 United Kingdom - Scotland - Glasgow n298 United Kingdom - Wales - Cardiff n769 United Kingdom - England - Greenwich Borough n5264 United Kingdom - England - Croydon n4744 United Kingdom - England - Bromley n4733 United Kingdom - England - Enfield n2125 United Kingdom - England - Loughton n4793 United Kingdom - England - Epsom n163 Uruguay - Montevideo n3399 US Minor Outlying Islands - Baker Island n1890 US Minor Outlying Islands - Midway n2131 US Minor Outlying Islands - Wake Island n407 USA - Alabama - Montgomery n13 USA - Alaska - Adak n18 USA - Alaska - Anchorage n81 USA - Alaska - Fairbanks n112 USA - Alaska - Juneau n931 USA - Alaska - Unalaska n197 USA - Arizona - Phoenix n134 USA - Arkansas - Little Rock n137 USA - California - Los Angeles n217 USA - California - Sacramento n770 USA - California - San Diego n224 USA - California - San Francisco n283 USA - California - San Jose n75 USA - Colorado - Denver n98 USA - Connecticut - Hartford n1029 USA - Delaware - Dover n263 USA - District of Columbia - Washington DC n156 USA - Florida - Miami n867 USA - Florida - Orlando n944 USA - Florida - Pensacola n25 USA - Georgia - Atlanta n103 USA - Hawaii - Honolulu n42 USA - Idaho - Boise n64 USA - Illinois - Chicago n105 USA - Indiana - Indianapolis n76 USA - Iowa - Des Moines n249 USA - Kansas - Topeka n413 USA - Kentucky - Louisville n178 USA - Louisiana - New Orleans n23 USA - Maine - Augusta n419 USA - Maryland - Baltimore n43 USA - Massachusetts - Boston n77 USA - Michigan - Detroit n159 USA - Minnesota - Minneapolis n219 USA - Minnesota - St. Paul n515 USA - Mississippi - Jackson n405 USA - Missouri - Kansas City n605 USA - Missouri - St. Louis n448 USA - Montana - Billings n132 USA - Nebraska - Lincoln n127 USA - Nevada - Las Vegas n68 USA - New Hampshire - Concord n861 USA - New Jersey - Newark n394 USA - New Mexico - Albuquerque n179 USA - New York - New York n207 USA - North Carolina - Raleigh n39 USA - North Dakota - Bismarck n805 USA - Ohio - Columbus n184 USA - Oklahoma - Oklahoma City n202 USA - Oregon - Portland n221 USA - Oregon - Salem n198 USA - Pennsylvania - Philadelphia n878 USA - Rhode Island - Providence n66 USA - South Carolina - Columbia n1920 USA - South Dakota - Rapid City n627 USA - South Dakota - Sioux Falls n843 USA - Tennessee - Knoxville n171 USA - Tennessee - Nashville n24 USA - Texas - Austin n70 USA - Texas - Dallas n104 USA - Texas - Houston n1921 USA - Texas - Midland n220 USA - Utah - Salt Lake City n164 USA - Vermont - Montpelier n212 USA - Virginia - Richmond n234 USA - Washington - Seattle n62 USA - West Virginia - Charleston n142 USA - Wisconsin - Madison n158 USA - Wisconsin - Milwaukee n778 USA - Wyoming - Cheyenne n244 Uzbekistan - Tashkent n280 Vanuatu - Port Vila n710 Vatican City State - Vatican City n58 Venezuela - Caracas n95 Vietnam - Hanoi n218 Vietnam - Ho Chi Minh n741 Western Sahara - El Aaiún n6 Yemen - Aden n672 Yemen - Sana n140 Zambia - Lusaka n96 Zimbabwe - Harare
@TipsyNurse said in Contribute to a module. Volunteers wanted! Easy!:
You could probably scrape every one if needed.
I don’t think that will be necessary but thanks for the impressive list. I added it to the README file of the module and gave you credit for addition. :thumbsup:
n1249 Belgium - West-Vlaanderen - Brugge
n2387 Belgium - West-Vlaanderen - Kortrijk
n1246 Belgium - Oost-Vlaanderen - Gent
n48 Belgium - Brussel - Brussel