Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
I’ve made a translation for Lunartic module to galician language too. How can I make to submit it to you?
Mykle1 Project Sponsor Module Developerlast edited by Mykle1 Feb 18, 2019, 8:48 PM Feb 18, 2019, 8:45 PM
@qu1que said in MMM-Lunartic:
I’ve made a translation for Lunartic module to galician language too. How can I make to submit it to you?
That’s fantastic!
If you know how to submit a pull request with the translation file you can do it that way. You will added as a contributor to the module on the github repo.
You can edit the RIGHT side of this file and post it here
{ "Distance from Earth's core = ": "Distància desde la Terra: ", "Distance from sun = ": "Distància desde el Sol: ", "The next full moon is ": "Pròxima Lluna plena ", "The next new moon is ": "Pòxima Lluna nova: ", "The current moon is ": "La fase actual porta ", "The moon is ": "Aquesta Lluna està ", "% illuminated": "% il.luminada", " days old": " dies transcorreguts", "New Moon Phase": "Lluna Nova", "Waxing Crescent Moon": "Lluna Creixent", "First Quarter Half Moon": "Primer quart de mitja Lluna", "Waxing Gibbous Moon": "Lluna creixent Gibosa", "Full Moon": "Lluna Plena", "Waning Gibbous Moon": "Lluna Gibosa menguant", "Third Quarter Half Moon": "Tercer quart de mitja Lluna", "Waning Crescent Moon": "Lluna creixent menguant", "When the Moon hits your eye . . .": "Quan la Lluna il.lumina els teus ulls . . ." }
The translation is done. I copy & paste here. The name of the file is gl.json
{ "Distance from Earth's core = ": "Distancia dende a Terra: ", "Distance from sun = ": "Distancia dende o Sol: ", "The next full moon is ": "Próxima Lúa chea ", "The next new moon is ": "Próxima Lúa nova: ", "The current moon is ": "A fase actual leva ", "The moon is ": "Esta Lúa está ", "% illuminated": "% iluminada", " days old": " días transcorridos", "New Moon Phase": "Lúa Nova", "Waxing Crescent Moon": "Lúa Crecente", "First Quarter Half Moon": "Primeiro cuarto de media lúa", "Waxing Gibbous Moon": "Lúa crecente Xibosa", "Full Moon": "Lúa Chea", "Waning Gibbous Moon": "Lúa Xibosa minguante", "Third Quarter Half Moon": "Terceiro cuarto de Media Lúa", "Waning Crescent Moon": "Lúa crecente minguante", "When the Moon hits your eye . . .": "Cando a Lúa ilumina os teus ollos . . ." }
That was fast! I’ll add it right now!
Thanks! but I didn’t do it just now. I did it a few weeks ago, :smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes: -
@qu1que said in MMM-Lunartic:
Thanks! but I didn’t do it just now. I did it a few weeks ago,
I thank you! Would you like to test it? Do a
git pull
in the MMM-Lunartic directory. -
@mykle1 Working!! Thank you!
No, thank you. I will make an announcement in this topic to let everyone know about your contribution. You rock!
It’s not working for me at the moment! :-(
language: "gl",
Yes? -
@mykle1 yes, I think so
Galician (gl) iso-8859-1, windows-1252