Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
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@La7dan hi the mirror is up and running.the next problem is to have the weather and news modules changed to Gb
Cannot express this enough… if you have a working config make a copy of it before you make changes that way you can either
a. compare the working with the non-working config
b. switch back to the working config. -
@geo give me the name of the module and the location I will help you to make it works! thank you
@Mykle1 Thank you thats help a lot.
@cowboysdude hi thx for that when you say make a copy where is it saved to.cheers
@La7dan hi again firstly the mm no longer opens on boot.
i have the calander but with us hols.i would like uk weather and news.cheers -
@geo did you install pm2 ? and follow the instructions ? me your config so I could fix it. im online for an hour we could get it done
@La7dan if you use one of the installer scripts… listed on the MM github page, or mine listed here in the forums (see here
it will setup pm2, and turn off the screensaver…as part of the mm install…
@geo where? its up to you…
copy it to the same folder as config.js.saved
or to another folder
or to a server disk,
or to a drop box , or google drivedepends on how ‘safe’ you want to be…
its just a copy command
cp config.js