Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
@Mr.Meeseeks Apologies for missing this one.
The schedules are set up after the
notifications have been received from the core. So a restart should not be required and a refresh of the browser should be sufficient to pick up config changes. -
In retrospect I only wanted to be able to hide a module now and then LOL
NEVER thought it would turn into such an awesome module!!!
Thanks @ianperrin !!!
Mitchfarino Module Developerlast edited by Mitchfarino Oct 27, 2016, 10:41 PM Oct 27, 2016, 10:14 PM
@cowboysdude @ianperrin how would would I implement a schedule so that a module appeared for 5 minutes, then disappear and reappear in 5 minutes time?
I’ve tried this
module_schedule: { */5 * * * * },
2nd edit- I thought I’d got it with this…
module_schedule: { from: '*/2 * * * *', to: '*/3 * * * *'},
cowboysdude Module Developerlast edited by cowboysdude Oct 27, 2016, 11:50 PM Oct 27, 2016, 11:49 PM
@Mitchfarino said in MMM-ModuleScheduler:
@cowboysdude @ianperrin how would would I implement a schedule so that a module appeared for 5 minutes, then disappear and reappear in 5 minutes time?
I’ve tried this
module_schedule: { */5 * * * * },
2nd edit- I thought I’d got it with this…
module_schedule: { from: '*/2 * * * *', to: '*/3 * * * *'},
Yes that should make it run every five minutes…
Copy and try this without brackets…
'*/5 * * * *'
example - schedule: ‘30 9 * * *’,
@Mitchfarino said in MMM-ModuleScheduler:
@cowboysdude @ianperrin how would would I implement a schedule so that a module appeared for 5 minutes, then disappear and reappear in 5 minutes time?
Try this
module_schedule: {from: '0/10 * * * *', to: '5/10 * * * *'},
Which should equate to the module being
- shown every 10 minutes starting from 0 minutes past the hour, i.e. 0, 10, 20 etc
- hidden every 10 minutes starting from 5 minutes past the hour, i.e. 5, 15, 25 etc
@Mitchfarino said in MMM-ModuleScheduler:
@ianperrin cheers mate!
I’ll have a look tonight!
Fantastic module by the way
Thank you and no worries.
Unfortunately, I’ve just done a quick test with the expressions I posted above and they didn’t work. :(
If you check the cron expressions i suggested using, it would appear they are non-standard. Therefore, I suspect they are not supported by the node cron module.
Not to worry, there’s always a solution! states that step values can be used in conjunction with ranges. So the expressions I believe you require are as follows:
module_schedule: {from: '0-59/10 * * * *', to: '5-59/10 * * * *'},
@MichMich said in MMM-ModuleScheduler:
Any ETA for and
Wow - someone is keen ;)
The first iteration of #4 has been committed. Global schedules can now be added to show/hide/dim all modules - see the updated documentation for more info.
On the to list is to
- add support for showing/hiding/dimming modules in groups
- add the ability to exclude specific modules from the global schedules
#6 comes afterwards when I can switch my dev environment to the develop branch
- one schedule can now be used to hide/show/dim all modules - see global scheduling
- one schedule can now be create to hide/show/dim a group of modules - see group schedules
To do:
- add the ability to exclude specific modules from the global/group schedules
- unit and regression tests ;)