Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-RAIN-MAP (new: version 2.x)
Just wait for the OpenStreetMap support.
Here is a beta branch:
OpenStreetMap support is pushed to master. Please give me feedback, as I did not have the time for
extensively testing.On my Raspberry Pi I currently have problems with the script when it runs over a longer period of time. I think it causes memory problems and the systems hangs. Does anybody have similar problems?
@Jalibu Yes, I can confirm the memory problems. The module consumes rather quickly a lot of memory and after about 3 hrs the RPi freezes.
@Fozi thanks. I think I found the problem and will solve it by the end of the day.
The memory problem should hopefully be fixed.
@Jalibu ok…I just pulled the latest version and just restarted my MM. I’ ll report back if the memory issue improved.
@Jalibu There still seems to be a memory issue. I took about one hour until the memory was full and the Pi froze.
I deactivated the module now and restarted the Pi to be sure that no other module causes that problem. -
Does anyone else have the problem? I can’t reproduce it anymore.
Nice and working module for me (conf openstreetmap)…Be carefull with timeformat, need no " "