Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Bathroom Magic Mirror
Thanks for your posts. At first I was skeptical about the idea of gluing a mirror on silicone, but now I want to use your design.
Thanks a lot
Josef -
Thank you for all this info.
I am at the very start of my magic mirror journey and came across you mirror which is simply fantastic.
I noticed you had metal LED buttons on the side of your frame which I would like to install one in mine for powering opn/off.
Having looked at button tutorials I see most are just 2 jumper wires to the GIPO is this the same for your buttons?
How is the LED powered?thanks!
Vicki -
spitzlbergerj Project Sponsor Module Developerlast edited by spitzlbergerj Aug 11, 2020, 10:54 AM Aug 11, 2020, 10:54 AM
please forgive the late reply. It slipped through.I use these buttons:
These have separate connections for “nomaly closed” NC and “normaly open” NO. And there are also the connections for the button LED.
But I did not connect the LEDs. Otherwise, besides the LED of the toothbrush and the LED of the mouthwash and the LED of the razor and … another LED would burn. Then I could slowly save the ceiling lighting in the bathroom :-)
Hi Josef,
Looks very impressive. Which source do you use for the wooden frame?
Thanks a lot
Peter -
Hi @PeterKatana,
What do you mean by source?
The frame is made of beech wood. You can buy it from a wood dealer or carpenter. I have taken solid wood shelf savior made of beech from the hardware store. These are glued rod-wise and therefore torsion-resistant.
Josef -
@spitzlbergerj said in Bathroom Magic Mirror:
The frame is made of beech wood. You can buy it from a wood dealer or carpenter. I have taken solid wood shelf savior made of beech from the hardware store. These are glued rod-wise and therefore torsion-resistant.
Hi Josef,
thanks for the recommendation. I will search here for a carpenter. A miter saw I should have. Before I lived in Aschheim, that was easier. Now I am jobwise in Göppingen. Will search around.
I am curious for your next project you announced.
Stay safe !
Br Peter -
Hallo @PeterKatana,
Ich kann dir den Rahmen auch zuschneiden, wenn du mir die Maße sagst. Vielleicht kommst du ja mal nach Oberschleißheim oder in die Nähe.
Sepp -
Your mirror looks amazing, but I am wondering. How is the electronics holding up, being put in a bathroom with alot of moisture? I cant see you did anything extra to keep moisture out of the mirror?
Hi @SuneRadich ,
all electrical connections are clamped together in junction boxes for damp locations. The Raspberry Pi is also in such a box. Only the connections of the screen are in their original box, which in my view is not specially protected against moisture.
So far, there have been no problems and even if you remove the mirror, you won’t see anything scorched or similar damage.