Taking this topic back to the storage question above, I did a fresh install on another rPi-3 and captured some info. One a stock Raspbian Jessie, running on an 8G card, with all apps updated, nothing removed, once you have MM up and running, you’re looking at the following for storage:
[image: 1462937640313-stock-raspbian.png]
Now, since you’re likely to only use this for MM and nothing else, there’s no sense in leaving all of the other apps on it that are pre-installed. So, I removed some of the big ones:
And after running autoremove as well, which cleared even more space removing other unneeded apps, you’re down to this:
[image: 1462938076082-slimmed-raspbian.png]
That’s 1.3G worth of storage that I just cleared up. So unless you need a larger SD card for other stuff, an 8G works just fine. Potentially even a 4G. You’ll still have plenty of room left after you clean up the installation.
Another option is to start with Raspbian Jessie-lite on a 4G card, but then you have to install the X server, desktop environment, and a login manager yourself. Assuming you get it all done correctly, you’ll end up with a very light weight installation of the OS, taking up only 53% of storage (remember, 4G card), with MM running lean and clean on top of that. I did try that as well but ran into issues with electron.js and for the time involved, knowing I wasn’t going to run it on there, it wasn’t worth continuing. I will leave that as an exercise to the brave.