Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Any plan to replace "request" and "moment"?
@cowboysdude technically it is based on Chromium (
@bkeyport I wouldn’t worry about it. Moment will be around for a while. Easy to use and yes you can add it to your own package json file and still use it.
Request…not so much LOL
@0m4r meh either way LOL
@cowboysdude Been playing with changing over anyway (to luxon), and all I’ve been able to do for sure is make MM not come up at all.
There needs to be MUCH better documentation on how to build out with external modules. It don’t make sense.
@bkeyport explain more. externals are used in node_helper, and some can be used in module name.js as loaded by getScripts()
if the lib shows useage as a < script … />
link, then u can use it in getScripts -
@sdetweil I’m trying to get luxon up and running.
Supports Node.js 6+. Install via NPM: npm install --save luxon const { DateTime } = require("luxon");
Do I need to use node_helper to get it going, then?
@bkeyport require only works in node_helper
the doc also gives u a < script approach
still npm install
then getScripts to load the file from node_modules folder/luxon folder -
@sdetweil Oh, so I set up the require in node_helper, and use it accordingly in the main module script? Nice.
@bkeyport no. one OR the other
@sdetweil OK, I’m lost.
If Moment goes away, I’ll delete my modules.