Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
How to hide Splash screen on boot or edit Splash screen on boot?
Here is a documentation of markdown : -
The the easiest way to change the splash screen is changing the picture ;)
@schlachtkreuzer6 I mean Splash screen on boot like this
I did not check, so this is all theory.
The splashscreen is using plymouth, so you should be able to change it the “common way”: -
@nobita yeah just change that image to another image (in the standard plymoth directory) and you are fine. i did that like this, before MM v2.1 with the splash screen was released, because that wohle plymouth stuff did not work for me. and there just few comandlines and worked perfectly!
@schlachtkreuzer6 how do you change the image? In which folder is the image?
@bachoo786 >In which folder is the image?
this shows the list of available
plymouth-set-default-theme --list
this resets to default
plymouth-set-default-theme --resetsee the installer code (and the install.log, as install changed the splash screen image)