Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
@p1lspeda we already set margins and borders
see css/main.csssounds like your 7 day width is not symmetrical to the position the module is in
CX3 has extensive classes that should allow you to position it properly
also your css entry whacks the entire page, not just your module config.
see the position layout in the doc here
html is typically reading anchored left for ltr langusgrd abd right for rtl langusges, so you should br able to increase the left edge number to shift the whole image right
.CX3 { left:20px; }
this left is relative to its configured position
@sdetweil Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
Seems I need to play around with css. -
@p1lspeda see the second link below in my signature for using the developers window elements tan
I just did a new build of my MM to upgrade to Bookworm and update to no longer use unsupported modules. Everything went well for the most part except my calendars aren’t showing. This is in the Error log from start up -
[2025-02-17 11:56:43.570] [33m[WARN] [39m [33m[1m[MMM-CalendarExt3.js:390:11][0m [CX3] Module is not prepared yet, wait a while.[39m [2025-02-17 11:56:43.576] [33m[WARN] [39m [33m[1m[MMM-CalendarExt3.js:390:11][0m [CX3] Module is not prepared yet, wait a while.[39m [2025-02-17 11:56:43.668] [33m[WARN] [39m [33m[1m[MMM-CalendarExt3Agenda.js:186:11][0m [CX3A] Module is not prepared yet, wait a while.[39m [2025-02-17 11:56:43.673] [33m[WARN] [39m [33m[1m[MMM-CalendarExt3Agenda.js:186:11][0m [CX3A] Module is not prepared yet, wait a while.[39m [2025-02-17 11:56:43.690] [33m[WARN] [39m [33m[1m[MMM-CalendarExt3Agenda.js:186:11][0m [CX3A] Module is not prepared yet, wait a while.[39m
I can see in the main log that the Calendar module is getting data -
[2025-02-17 17:12:47.050] [34m[INFO] [39m [34mCalendar-Fetcher: Broadcasting 584 events from[39m [2025-02-17 17:12:47.215] [34m[INFO] [39m [34m[1m[calendar.js:699:7][0m sorting events count=130[39m [2025-02-17 17:12:47.297] [34m[INFO] [39m [34m[1m[calendar.js:699:7][0m sorting events count=112[39m [2025-02-17 17:12:47.309] [34m[INFO] [39m [34m[1m[calendar.js:739:7][0m slicing events total maxcount=10[39m
I’ve tried the
git submodule update --init --recursive
from the install instructions and it didn’t seem to help. Thoughts?
@gonzonia if you installed MagicMirror 2.30
did you also install the fix? -
@sdetweil No. I had not seen that. Installing now. Thanks!
Would it be possible to combine the calendar color indicator at the time using just CSS?
Right now, it’s a colored circle and the time next to it and I was wondering if it would somehow be possible to have the time be inside the circle, or have the time be a different background color.
My display is quite small, and saving a few extra pixels would be nice.
Is it possible that with the Calender-ext3 in the weekly display the calendar entries are displayed in two or three lines? -
Hello everyone
I hope you can help me. I’m trying to get the calendar to display in Calendar Ext3.
This is what my configuration looks like
{ module: "calendar", position: "top_left", config: { broadcastPastEvents: true, // <= IMPORTANT to see past events calendars: [ { url: "", name: "Andreas", // <= RECOMMENDED to assign name color: "red" // <= RECOMMENDED to assign color } ] } }, { module: "MMM-CalendarExt3", position: "bottom_bar", title: "", config: { mode: "month", instanceId: "basicCalendar", locale: 'de-CH', maxEventLines: 5, firstDayOfWeek: 1, calendarSet: ['Andreas'], } },