Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Well, the closest I could get with the above event handler is an error stating that I could only use the callback once and some foreboding warnings in the dev console about exposing the user to security risks. BLEH!
Mykle1 Project Sponsor Module Developerlast edited by Mykle1 Dec 17, 2018, 10:25 PM Dec 17, 2018, 8:50 PM
@mykle1 said in MMM-Lunartic:
I have written to the US Naval Observatory again, pointing out that their use of an improper certificate authority has sidelined my Lunartic and SunRiseSet modules. I don’t hold out much hope of action on their part.
Their reply to my 2nd email:
**Mr. Lange:
I’m afraid this is a problem that goes well beyond the USNO. Over the course of the past few month ALL DoD websites have been reconfigured to “https”, resulting in certificate errors to non-DoD users. I came across this site today which has another way to correct the issue, as well as an explanation of why the problem is occurring. Evidently it’s the browser providers that seem to be on the hook to update their certificate stores.
Interestingly I had to manually accept the site certificate for this page, despite the fact that I’m coming in from a .mil domain!
Geoff Chester
Public Affairs Officer
U.S. Naval Observatory
3450 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20392
** -
Maybe this can help you.
Before using the MMM-Lunartic module, I used the module MMM-moonphases until one day a few months ago it also stopped working (the images of the moon did not come out ). At that time I decided to install the Lunartic, until they also stopped seeing the images of the moon a few weeks ago.
Then, yesterday it occurred to me to try again with the MMM-moonphases, and now the images come out. I do not know if I could give you any idea or if it can help you in something.
Mykle1 Project Sponsor Module Developerlast edited by Mykle1 Dec 18, 2018, 1:34 AM Dec 18, 2018, 12:10 AM
@qu1que said in MMM-Lunartic:
Maybe this can help you.
Thank you. I will look into that right now.
FYI, there is a temporary fixed uploaded to MMM-Lunartic
The site used by moon-phases suffers from the same security issue. I don’t know how your MM allows you in unless you’ve done something to circumvent the electron error. In which case, I’d like to know how you did it.
@mykle1 Sorry for answering you so late. Apparently the moon-phases module worked correctly, or that was what I believed because the image of the moon was visible. The problem is that with time I realized that it was not updated, always showed half moon.
No worries, mate. The temporary fix I uploaded is working. Hopefully, the certificate store will update and I can go back to using the US Naval Observatory API again. In the meantime, the current version of Lunartic works
Minor Update 1.0.5
Git user Mysh3ll donated a PR for correcting some French translations
I am happy to report that the certificate issue with the US Naval Observatory API has been corrected. I don’t know if I had anything to do with the fix but I did keep emailing them and the electron team about updating the certificate stores.
MMM-Lunartic is now working as intended. Please do a
git pull
to remove the temporary fix files, or install as per the readme.I’m very happy now.
@mykle1 outstanding news!!!