Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
@Mykle1 Super… thanks Mykle
This post is deleted! -
What a surprise! The USNO api has not resumed normal operations by the expected completion date. I’ll keep checking the site but it’s anyone’s guess now. :(
@Mykle1 can’t help myself.
:thumbsup: -
@Mykle1 Ohh no:disappointed_but_relieved_face:
I found this very interesting.
“You’ve never seen the moon like in this ‘all terminator’ image (and you never will).”
"Shadows creep down the banks of every crater on the near-side of the moon, highlighting the pockmarked face of Earth’s gravitationally-bound buddy with a clarity never before seen.
According to photographer Andrew McCarthy, who posted the stunning image to his Instagram in April, there’s a simple explanation for the unprecedented level of detail in his work — this lunar view is actually “impossible.”
“This moon might look a little funny to you, and that’s because it is an impossible scene,” McCarthy wrote on Instagram. “From two weeks of images of the waxing moon, I took the section of the picture that has the most contrast … aligned and blended them to show the rich texture across the entire surface.”
The high-contrast section of the moon that McCarthy referred to is called the “lunar terminator” — the long line in the sand (or regolith, if you prefer) that divides the moon’s Earth-facing side between darkness and light. This terminator line moves around constantly depending on the phase of the moon, revealing or concealing new sections of the lunar surface each day. Because the terminator line heightens the contrast between the light and dark sides of the moon’s face, shadows look elongated and intensified in craters closest to the terminator.
Thanks a lot for your work on this addon.
I would like to hide the information about the distance to get just the image. I read carefully the README but I cannot find this configu trick.
Could you please tell me how ?Here is my conf :
{ disabled: false, module: 'MMM-Lunartic', position: 'top_center', // Best in left, center, or right regions classes: 'scheduler', config: { module_schedule: {from: '0 21 * * *', to: '0 8 * * *' }, mode: "rotating", // rotating or static image: "current", // animation, current, DayNight or static distance: "km", // miles or km sounds: "no", // howling wolf, only on a full moon useHeader: false, // true if you want a header /* header: "The Lunartic is in my head", // Any text you want*/ maxWidth: "200px", animationSpeed: 10, rotateInterval: 15000, } },
Thanks for advance.