Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
I originally wasn’t going to use this module, but it seems pretty cool, so I’ll try. I, however, have no clue how to physically connect the raspberry pi to the PIR sensor without a breadboard. I understand that I must specify the GPIO pins I connect to in the config file, but that will only help me if I figure out how to connect everything (soldering?). Could someone help me? I’m completely new to motion detection. :dizzy_face:
(Raspi 3)
Just connect the PIR sensor Pins with three of these connector cables (female on both sides) directly to the GPIO pins on the PI, without soldering.
You need to know the pin assignments of your PIR sensor. I used:
(4) +5V
(6) GND (ground)
(32) GPIO12
i think you can also use (15) instead of my (32) then you don’t need to change the pin in the config file.
Hope that helps.
@Morningstar Thanks! Where could I buy everything? Amazon?
Yes, Amazon, ebay, electronic stores in your city. And there are dozens of online shops for raspberry, arduino and all kinds of add-ons. -
Is this the right cable to use? ie=UTF8&qid=1486697807&sr=8-2&keywords=female+to+female+Rainbow+%2F+DuPont+Wire
Yes that’s the right one. -
Is it possible to switch the monitor on and off with the PIR? I would like to hide the sensor and turn on the monitor with a hand movement and then switch it off again with a new hand movement. The sensor should be hidden so that it registers only this hand movement and no other movements in the room. If the manual movement for switching off is once forgotten, the monitor should turn itself off after 30 minutes, for example.
Is this possible?
@Goldjunge_Chriz you might want to use the gesture module of mochman for it
Does it work well? I thought that with the PIR could be easier since I do not need any special gesture, only some individual movement.
1st off I’m a total noob at coding so please forgive me. I have been able to set up my mirror and get several modules up and running. However, I am having quite a bit of difficulty with the PIR-Sensor. I have it wired directly to the GPIO(pins 2, 6, 15). I installed the MMM-PIR-Sensor via paviros instruction. At first I got the white screen. Somehow that issue is gone. Now I can’t get the module to work. I know the PIR sensor is working, because I am able to run a python script to detect motion. The script just keeps in running though even when I walk away from the sensor. Maybe the sensor is faulty?Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance