Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
:) Knowledge is Power - That is what I always told my students
This is the mic I have
**** List of CAPTURE Hardware Devices **** card 1: Device [USB PnP Sound Device], device 0: USB Audio [USB Audio] Subdevices: 1/1 Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
@TheGeekfather I went to school to be a teacher but never taught… I’m not real good with touchy feeling kinda things I tend to be more direct and that’s not a good thing in Schools LOL
Yes you could add:
{ disabled: false, module: "Hello-Lucy", position: "top_right", config: { keyword: 'HELLO LUCY', microphone: "1,0", timeout: 15, // timeout listening for a command/sentence defaultOnStartup: 'Hello-Lucy', standByMethod: 'DPMS', // 'DPMS' = anything else than RPi or 'PI' sounds: [ ], confirmationSound: "ding.mp3", startHideAll: true, // if true, all modules start as hidden pageOneModules: ["Hello-Lucy", "MMM-Insults"], / pageTwoModules: ["MMM-BMW-DS", "MMM-Events"], // modules to show on page two pageThreeModules: ["MMM-Lunartic"], // modules to show on page three pageFourModules: ["MMM-PC-Stats"], // modules to show on page four pageFiveModules: [], // modules to show on page five pageSixModules: [], // modules to show on page six pageSevenModules: [], // modules to show on page seven pageEightModules: [], // modules to show on page eight pageNineModules: [], // modules to show on page nine pageTenModules: [] // modules to show on page ten } },
That is an example config… the ONLY thing you need to change is the modules listed on the ‘pages’… it should work on a pi with a usb mic… Please note there will be about a 4 to 5 second delay… the pi is small and this is heavy weight it’s lifting.
As soon as @Mykle1 tests this on a pi4 we’ll let everyone know :)
As you know, the installer was not at fault. The automatic identification of the microphone was not happening, at least on the Pi. Thanks for stepping in while I was busy troubleshooting and thanks for testing
@Mykle1 Who are you and what are you doing here? LOL
Uhh, I was hoping you’d tell me. :-)
@TheGeekfather If you have any other questions I’m sure @Mykle1 will be happy to help you :) I’m not on that often… the last couple days I’ve been on more then I have been in 3 months LOL
Thank you for all your help. Started fresh install - put modules in correct folder
added "microphone: “1,0”,
Hello-Lucy works GREAT :)
Mykle1 Project Sponsor Module Developerlast edited by Mykle1 Jan 14, 2020, 12:08 AM Jan 14, 2020, 12:07 AM
Well ok then! You’re happy? I’m happy! Lucy’s happy! :-)
Seriously, I’m glad you’re up and running and I’m glad you’re pleased. :thumbsup:
Now, can you do something simple for me? Can you please tell me:
- Your hardware ( Pi3? 4? whatever)
- Your microphone (including if it’s USB or analog)
- Your OS (if not using a Pi?)
- Your response time from the time you issue a command until Lucy responds or you hear the confirmation sound. Instantly? 1 second? 3? 5?
Happy :)
- Pi 4
- Mic is Analog plugged in to a sound card (came with mic - Zax Sound)
- Buster
- 2-3 seconds
Just a small note - Sometimes I have to unplug sound card and plug back in - Works with either a speaker plugged in to card or using HDMI sound.