Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
@rrussis82 i have a module, MMM-SleepWake that uses module hiding to darken the screen… (all of my TV’s have the dreaded no signal problem).
it requires some out of MM source (external) to signal motion or not…
I use the github motion project with my webcams to get that external to MM event info
sudo apt-get install motionedit the /etc/motion/motion.conf
and set the external start/stop exits to trigger the script I provide to inform my module of the motion
(all in the instructions of the module)motion project can also record video, pictures and a lot more… with all kinds of config for what motion means
(how long from end of actual motion before signal, it is motion if the room lights are turned on and there is a sudden flash of light for the camera… etc.etc…)
I didn’t want to write all that (and based on the audience here, config is important)…I have not tried motion with the pi camera…
@amsuvarna27 said in Hello-Lucy:
But when I give command like Hello Lucy it won’t respond.
Have you followed all the instructions in the readme? There is a file just for setting up your microphone.
@rrussis82 said in Hello-Lucy:
so i set up Hello-Lucy with just one page showing MMM-Carousel
Hello-Lucy will do pages without Carousel.
In any event, I’ve put further development of Lucy on a shelf.
@sdetweil Tried it, too confusing.
@rrussis82 if u have time and are willing, I would be interested in what you found difficult and try to find ways to make it easier. we can work thru email or chat…
thank you for your consideration -
Minor update
By git user @escapestudio3’s request, four modules have been added to the default modules that will work upon installation of Lucy.
- MMM-CalendarExt2
- MMM-AVStock
- MMM-lichess-daily
- MMM-Remote-Control
Also added
- MMM-BMW-CC (using ClimaCell)
- MMM-BMW-DS (using Darksky)
- MMM-BMW-OW (Using OpenWeather)
Total default modules = 73
@Mykle1 said in Hello-Lucy:
Hello Lucy!
That poor kid having to be related to you LOL I hope she doesn’t need therapy later in life
Hey @Mykle1 first off great module, but I’m having a little difficulty, A ) I have no video at all now, B ) the mic works but constantly shows error, and C ) so far MMM-BMW-CC hides and shows but stays a loading climacell data. Any advice/pointers??
Mykle1 Project Sponsor Module Developerlast edited by Mykle1 May 27, 2020, 11:58 PM May 27, 2020, 11:56 PM
I’m confused a bit
You have no video at all? I’m not sure what that means.
I’ve never seen Lucy work when the microphone reports ‘error’.
BMW-CC sounds like a different issue.
Start MM using
npm start dev
and report any errors in red after choosing the ‘Console’ tab in the window that opens.Also, paste your config entry for BMW-CC (in a code block) here so I can look at it.