Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Internet Monitor
@Mykle1 That’s a great idea that I should probably do as well… adding the fan!!!
@Mykle1 said in Internet Monitor:
@ronny3050 thanks for a nice Monitor, i love the wifi indicator.You asked for wishes for the Internet Monitor.
I have been looking in the code if it is possible to give te wifi indicators some color.
Making strength_full.png green, strength_almost yellow, strength_half orange and strength_non.png red. Would love to see this as an config option of in the my custom.css.Is there a way to do this?
@pjkoeleman is this module working for you? I can’t get it to work :(
@Advokaten Yes it’s just working as discribed. Here is my part off config.js for the Internet Monitor.
{ Module: 'internet-monitor', position: 'bottom_right', config: { type: 'minimal', maxTime: 10000, updateInterval: 120000, verbose: false, displayStrength: true, displaySpeed: false, strengthIconSize: 40, maxGaugeScale: 25 } },
Now I want to bring a little color to the wifi indicator.
@pjkoeleman Thank you! Using your config lines made it work somehow! I am too interested in changing color of the wi-fi strength png’s. I tried changing all the white levelColors without success. Don’t know what is turning the strength bars into a white color :( Anybody who could help us out? Thanks.
@pjkoeleman @Advokaten try changing type in config to
type: ''
fromtype: 'minimal'
Also, thank you for the kind words! :) -
@ronny3050 I’m sorry. I don’t understand if this made any difference other than it took some extra time to load the indicator. Is there a way to change colors in the css file now or what…? Sorry once more for being such a nublet and thank you for taking your time to do stuff like this!
@Advokaten @pjkoeleman Silly me, I am sorry, I thought you requested colors for the speed gauges, which are already there. As for colors for the wifi strength indicator, there are two ways:
- CSS coloring (you have complete control over the colors)
- Pre-made images with different colors (colors chosen by me).
I am sure 1 would be preferred. I will get back to you in a little bit with my progress on this. Thank you very much for suggesting this.
Yes #1 preferred ;)
@cowboysdude Usually preferred = harder ;)