Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Could use some assistance setting up MMM-Carousel w/ Navigation and understanding the architecture
slides: { "Default":['clock', 'calendar_monthly', 'MMM-NetworkScanner', 'currentweather', 'weatherforecast'], "Work":['MMM-google-route2'], "Traffic":['MMM-GoogleMapsTraffic'], "Home":['clock', 'calendar_monthly', 'calendar', 'currentweather', 'weatherforecast', 'MMM-MyCommute', 'MMM-NetworkScanner', 'MMM-COVID19-SPARKLINE', 'MMM-Spotify', 'MMM-GoogleFit', 'newsfeed'], "Info":['clock', 'calendar_monthly', 'currentweather', 'weatherforecast', 'MMM-YouTube', 'MMM-NetworkScanner', 'MMM-NetworkConnection', 'deluge', 'MMM-SystemStats'], },
like this? again all modules stacked on first and only page, also tried with numbers instead of words!
@banbutcher I am not near my computer so have to wait til I can try.
which module are you using, there are at least 3 different ones
ive used both barnabycolby and shbatm versions.
so i figured it out… using barnabycolby im not able to have the page rotation set to 0.
MMM-GoogleAssistant works as intended along with MMM-GABackground.My config for barnabycolbys:
{ module: 'MMM-Carousel', config: { transitionInterval: 10000, showPageIndicators: true, showPageControls: true, ignoreModules: ['alert'], mode: 'slides', slides: [ ['clock', 'calendar_monthly', 'MMM-NetworkScanner', 'currentweather', 'weatherforecast'], ['MMM-google-route'], ['MMM-google-route2'], ['MMM-GoogleMapsTraffic'], ['clock', 'calendar_monthly', 'calendar', 'currentweather', 'weatherforecast', 'MMM-MyCommute', 'MMM-NetworkScanner', 'MMM-COVID19-SPARKLINE', 'MMM-Spotify', 'MMM-GoogleFit', 'newsfeed'], ['clock', 'calendar_monthly', 'currentweather', 'weatherforecast', 'MMM-YouTube', 'MMM-NetworkScanner', 'MMM-NetworkConnection', 'deluge', 'MMM-SystemStats'], ], } },
using shbatm i needed the
position: 'bottom_bar'
and now i can set the rotation time to 0 and control the slides with the arrow keys and MMM-KeyBindings, however it seems that when i use this version the MMM-GoogleAssistant does not display the correct background and therefore cannot use the new MMM-GABackgroundmy config for shbatm:
{ module: 'MMM-Carousel', position: 'bottom_bar', config: { transitionInterval: 0, showPageIndicators: true, showPageControls: true, ignoreModules: ['alert'], mode: 'slides', slides: { "Default":['clock', 'calendar_monthly', 'MMM-NetworkScanner', 'currentweather', 'weatherforecast'], "Work":['MMM-google-route'], "Office":['MMM-google-route2'], "Traffic":['MMM-GoogleMapsTraffic'], "Home":['clock', 'calendar_monthly', 'calendar', 'currentweather', 'weatherforecast', 'MMM-MyCommute', 'MMM-NetworkScanner', 'MMM-COVID19-SPARKLINE', 'MMM-Spotify', 'MMM-GoogleFit', 'newsfeed'], "Info":['clock', 'calendar_monthly', 'currentweather', 'weatherforecast', 'MMM-YouTube', 'MMM-NetworkScanner', 'MMM-NetworkConnection', 'deluge', 'MMM-SystemStats'], }, keyBindings: { enabled: true, map: { NextSlide: "ArrowRight", PrevSlide: "ArrowLeft", Slide0: "Home" }, keyBindingsMode: "DEFAULT" } } },
hope this helps someone
@Bugsounet @shbatm any idea why GAB will work with one carousel module and not another?
@banbutcher so, there were two problems
0 cycle time
and carouselIdI had my brain screwed on crooked for carouselId.
suppose you had multiple instances of the same module name in config.js, showing different things on different slides.
when u define the slides, u use the module ‘name’, but in this case, name is not enough.
so, in the module definitions themselves u add another unique identifier, carouselId: somestring. the value can be anything.
in their config:{} section, that is where carousel module will look for ‘carouselId’
in the slide definition, when u come to that module to be displayed, instead of putting the name in quotes, you need a little structure
{ name: "module name", carouselId:"samevalue_added_to_module_config" } ,
that way the carousel module can tell which module instance should be shown