Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Same question here about default zoom level. any option?
@justjim1220 said in MMM-TracCar:
zoom: 75;
Sorry to tel, but that’s not what I meen. I just want to zoom out the traccar map window. I can’t find any think in the traccar.js file. I just don’t know. I’m absolute beginner.:smiling_face_with_halo:
@Mykle1 Thanks for sharing the link. -
@maxs @justjim1220 I was looking for the samething… zoom level in the map… any luck or options for this?
@iwaldrum hey I know this is really old, but if you comment out the lines in the .js file:;;
the map will not change zoom based on the object locations anymore. Hope this helps!
This is a great plugin but for me it would be better if it didn’t rely on Google maps but instead used something like Leaflet
I may have a go at converting the map element of MMM-TracCar myself but my js coding is primative at best
hey i want to know how to change the time to refresh the map ,the marks ont the map was static,i want it change faster.
by the way ,i want to know your googlemapapi load type was synchronizing load or async loading.i was a Chinese,My English is not well ,So sorry about this . Thanks for your object. -
Hulp gevraagd…
Goodmorning,I’m Jerry from Holland.
First I like to say: great module!
I woul’d like to use the module on my magic mirror to track and show my Carbagrun roadtrip at Home on my mirror.View questions I would like to ask
*can you use openstreetmaps?
*or maybe Google satelliet
*google keeps showing errors (see pictures)
*Is it possible to show the track line (route of the car)
*the zoom level settings in the config does not work.Please help?!?!!
i hat also a lot of thinks I din’t like. So my solution is to run MMM-SmartWebDisplay, a internet page in your mirror and configure it to browse your traccar website. This is for me perfect working. So what you do on your traccar webpage is also possible on your mirror.