Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
@strawberry-3.141 does the alias exist or it’s just an idea?
@pepemujica well you can put everything in there but alias isnt supported from anything yet, so we could claim it for this and the other configuration modules
The module is not working for me to any extent, when I whitelist the IPs for my school’s wifi (following the HowToWhitelistIP thread’s directions) in every way stated, I get the “this device is not allowed to access…” message. Then, when I allow all IPs access I get the “cannot get remote/html” message. Any help would be great! Thanks!
Hi! I’m trying to figure out how to hide/show modules with “REMOTE_ACTION” from “MMM-ModuleScheduler”.
First, here is the remote control “config”.
{ module: "MMM-Remote-Control", position: "top_left", config: { "moduleData":[ {"identifier":"module_55_MMM-TextClock"}, ], } },
I know that the “identifier” for the “MMM-TextClock” is correct.
Then in the “MMM-ModuleScheduler” I have this:
{ module: "MMM-ModuleScheduler", config: { uselock: false, notification_schedule: [ {notification: "REMOTE_ACTION", schedule: "0 11 * * *", payload: {action: 'HIDE {"identifier":"module_55_MMM-TextClock"}'}}, ], global_schedule: [] }
It’s suppose to hide the “MMM-TextClock” at 11 AM but it’s not hiding it.
I do get this in the log at the correct time:--- MMM-TextClock received a module notification: REMOTE_ACTION from sender: MMM-ModuleScheduler module.js:115 ---
So the action get sent… But the “MMM-TextClock” still shows… What have I missed?
Or misunderstood? :)Thank you.
Hi again! I’ve been using your excellent module since I started my build. And all along I had it in an “IFrame” on the mirror (the IFrame is shown via a touch on a button MMM-ModuleBar). However, about 2 moths ago, your module no longer shows up in the IFrame (it’s just black on the Mirror). However if I use another browser (not Electron) the IFrame shows the Remote Control. Also it shows up “remotely” both if I go directly to the Remote Control address and if I open the full Mirror in another browser.
I’m not sure where the problem is. If it’s on your module or in Electron.
I have another “web-interface” (SONOS Web Interface) in another IFrame showed the same way and that still works.
I’m on the dev branch of MM.Let me know if you have any ideas… :)
I downloaded this module today and its been the best one so far. It has everything in it that I have been trying to accomplish for weeks. I wish I saw this one sooner. I have only one issue, when i click the restart MagicMirror button i get an error and my MagicMirror dose not restart.
@chaseb1357 said in [Remote-Control] Shutdown, Configure and Update your MagicMirror:
I downloaded this module today and its been the best one so far. It has everything in it that I have been trying to accomplish for weeks. I wish I saw this one sooner.
same to me. this module rocks…! i am for donating with ETH
Can you confirm the get URL to hide and show all?
@Jopyth Hi! First of all thanks a lot for creating this awesome module, it really expands the capability of what a Magic Mirror can do. I just wanted to point out that I had an issue turning on the screen after turn it it off using the module. I went to the “node_helper.js” file to see which function you were using: if (query.action === “MONITORON”)
exec(“tvservice --preferred && sudo chvt 6 && sudo chvt 7”, opts, function(error, stdout, stderr){ self.checkForExecError(error, stdout, stderr, res); });
return true;
if (query.action === “MONITOROFF”)
exec(“tvservice -o”, opts, function(error, stdout, stderr){ self.checkForExecError(error, stdout, stderr, res); });
return true;
This function wasn’t really working for me and it seems a bit outdated. You can go further on the reasons why on this links: I just changed that code to:if (query.action === “MONITORON”)
exec(“vcgencmd display_power 1”, opts, function(error, stdout, stderr){ self.checkForExecError(error, stdout, stderr, res); });
return true;
if (query.action === “MONITOROFF”)
exec(“vcgencmd display_power 0”, opts, function(error, stdout, stderr){ self.checkForExecError(error, stdout, stderr, res); });
return true;
} And everything seems to work perfectly for me now. I’m using a Raspberry pi 1 and Midori as a web browser. My question is, would you be able to implement this changes in order to solve this issue for another users? (and also to keep my same valid configuration in case of an update) Thanks! -
I have not been able to work on anything mentioned here, yet, but at least got out a release with a few cool contributions by other people, and a few simple fixes and additions. I do not know when I will be able to look at your questions and issues, but maybe in one or two weeks (especially turning display on and off apparently works much better with the
command). If anyone is reading is this in the hopes of finally getting an answer from me, please feel free to post again and remind me, if have not been able to solve it yourself.Here is the change log:
[1.1.4] - 2017-09-17
- Dutch translation
- Updating a module tries to install dependencies with
npm install
- Module identifier is shown if a module is locked with lock strings
- Confirmation dialog before restart and shutdown
- Internal save file format and mistakenly hiding modules which were hidden by other modules
- Restart should work for new installations
- German translation for power menu changed from “Ausschalten” to “Energieoptionen”