@0m4r Hello and thank you for your great module.
after installing it, it appears on my mirror, but stays on “loading…”.
Do you maybe know this issue?
Thanks in advance for your helps.
Kind regards
[image: 1718810888208-capture-d-e-cran-2024-06-19-a-17.27.57.jpg]
@lavolp3 no, I have not added yet the tables. this is the result of a couple of hours of work, so I did not really manage to dedicate some proper time to it.
(I am also curious to see if it works with matchday 2!).
Tables will come in the next few days, I’d like to add the scorers too.
There is a further new update available here (still under development)
I have added two new config properties: locale and yesterday - please refer to the https://github.com/0m4r/MMM-covid19/tree/feat/new-api-corona-lmao-ninja/README.md for the details ;)
[image: MMM-covid19-v2.png]